Hot and Humid in NYC..Sweat goes drip, drip..... | ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記 philip gayle's pocket diary

Hot and Humid in NYC..Sweat goes drip, drip.....

Things have been pretty busy lately. I have been working at a photo studio the past few weeks, doing management related work, translating, interpreting etc...
The weather i NYC is hot and humid, but i have my new AC in the window and it works okay. Lots of cleaning and organizing to do.
I will be playing an outdoor gig in Inwood (Upper Manhattan) on Saturday the 22nd. I hope the thunderstorms they are predicting won't come. I guess i won't play if it rains, but either way, it's cool. Whatever happens happens.
I hope everyone is doing well. My good friend Hiroya is in Sendai right now. He will be having concerts and lectures and all kinds of things happening. Right on! I look forward to seeing him and also my good friend Emilie who is in Switzerland right now at a competition. She made it to the final round! She is playing right now as i write this (maybe). Why am i nervous about this? I am across the Ocean, but am rooting for her! Here is the link:

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Eat well! Sleep well! Do good work! Be good to your friends and family!