One of my (short-term) aims is to earn more than half of the university expenses before I graduate the university (probably the University of Tokyo). What made me think so? It's because I think that it is hard to live n earn all my needs by myself suddenly right after my graduation, and that I'd like to be less n less dependenton my parents' financial support in order to reduce the gap between being a university student n being a grown-up.(Well, my family earns enough to do without scholarships, and I don't mean that I'll pay my tuition by myself.. The amount is just a number that I try to earn.)
But I have one problem. I still dunno places I can earn enough to achieve my aim. But still, I'll do my best, and I believe that I can do it.
I found it not easy to write in English, which my friend called " nezumisa" can do. It is ,I found, a problem.. But never mind n, anyway, see u next time:)