Two major predictions for the year 2024


Good morning, everyone. I listened to Mike Adams' BBN (Brighteon Broadcast Network) and HRR (Health Ranger Report) where he talked about looking back at the false news of 2023 and his outlook for 2024. Since the false news is nothing worth looking back on, I'd like to take a moment to look at the outlook for this year.


Two major topics were raised.


The first was the prediction that AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) will end the era of human cognition dominating the world.


Mike Adams was quick in building an automated email sending system in the early 1990s, and companies and schools were adopting it. At that time, people in general did not know what email was or what the Internet meant. Thus, he directly witnessed the subsequent downfall of organizations and individuals who thought it would only be a temporary fad.


This time, the dramatic development of AI that occurred in 2023 is about to create another phenomenon that will divide human society in two. Mike Adams has already started using a huge spec AI system to build his own high-quality, non-Woke (ultra-left globalist global warming vaccine LGBT camp) LLM, which he is poised to release at the end of this coming March.


Over the last year, AI/LLM has made long strides that have revealed more emergent properties than programmers could have predicted. Their information processing power is enormous.


Over the next two years, blue-color and more than 50% of even white-collar (administrative and managerial) jobs will be replaced by AI. For example, with a power source that costs about $2 per hour, AI can cover the work of 50 people. Supposing the pay for a single worker is 2,000 yen per hour, the cost can be reduced from 100,000 yen to 200 yen. There is no reason why companies should not opt for low-cost, complaint- and illness-free AI. In fact, IBM, for example, declared last summer that it would stop hiring thousands of new workers. There will be no shortage of companies that will follow suit.


What should we do? Here are some hints, including my own.


First, we must reexamine what makes humans human and raise the value of our existence. To this end, we must acquire the habit of constantly thinking about concepts such as "consciousness," "perception," "ego," "sensitivity," "spirit," and the like, not merely as terms, but as the foundation for constructing a philosophy regarding how we should live our lives so that AI will not defeat us.


At this point, the Buddhist ninth consciousness theory is very suggestive. The five senses correspond to the senses of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch, and the sixth sense corresponds to consciousness. Consciousness not only integrates the five senses, but also works independently based on physical memories stored through the five senses (memory, thought, and perspective). The seventh sense, also called the defiled sense, supports the ego-consciousness that is full of vexations. Since the sixth sense is always under the influence of the seventh sense, the consciousness that integrates the five senses is influenced by the ego-mind, resulting in different reactions to the same stimulus (this may be also why we are human. Computers, which are uniform products, have no individuality. As the input information becomes more diverse, however, the information processing of the terminal also becomes more diverse). The eighth sense, also called the storehouse sense, belongs to the deepest layer of consciousness where karma has been accumulated since past lives, and is thought to be the area that communicates with the collective unconscious (machines do not have a path connecting past lives and the present, so the eighth sense cannot arise). The ninth sense is the realm of Buddhahood, which is connected to the truth of the universe, and may be related to the thirteenth density to which cosmic beings refer (this realm cannot seem to be accessed by machines , no matter how refined they become).


Tasks (labor, events, phenomena) corresponding to the five senses and the level of consciousness will probably be covered to a large extent by AI. Especially when viewed in terms of economic efficiency and compensated labor, humans have no chance of defeating AI.


However, "consciousness" itself may not necessarily be reproduced; the definition of "consciousness" is vague, even among those who conduct AI research. By my definition, AI has not yet achieved consciousness at this stage and will not achieve it in the future, no matter how much time passes. The definition is the ability to be consciously aware of what you are doing, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about.


AI and LLMs can perform a large number of "tasks" with high speed and accuracy. If you try to compete with them in speed, accuracy, and scale, you will despair.


Instead, it is important to always ask whether these machines are aware of what they are doing in the first place. Even an AI that can beat a Shogi master is not aware that it is playing Shogi. It is merely performing the task of winning the game. No matter how good an AI is, it does not have the ability to be aware of it, and no matter how much progress it makes in the future, such awareness will never arise.


The illusion of such a "consciousness" arises precisely because the "tasks" they perform are so precise, so fast, and on such a massive scale that we are led to believe that such a consciousness exists. But it is an illusion. This realization is important, because it will surely lead us to a higher dimension of consciousness, where humans will continue to have a significance no less than that of AI.


On a more practical level, I think we need to follow the progress of AI/LLM to the extent possible, while considering how we ourselves can make the most of AI/LLM as a tool (or how we can connect with those who practice it).


This is the first topic, and I would like to briefly touch on another important point regarding the economy.


In 2024, the BRICS-led de-dollarization will become the global trend, while the camp that seeks to extend the dollar's life will continue the carnage in a war economy. This is a scenario that was in line with the views of Greg Mannarino of Dinar Recaps.


The global reforms to be carried out this time are economic system reforms. Terms such as RV/GCR/QFS/GESAREA are frequently used when discussing these reforms, and the image of light driving out darkness is often used when talking about them.


However, in light of the situation in the Middle East since last year, I believe that the reality is not that light and darkness will converge on one side or the other, but that the balance of power will fluctuate as they continue to fight each other.


Also, there is a straight line between dollar prolongation and continued war. If this is the case, then the question that needs to be examined is whether MAGA, which supports Israel, is really a force that wants to see the QFS realized as soon as possible, or whether it is a force that is preventing its implementation.


It should be said that the phase of uncritically praising and following MAGA and the Alliance has already passed. If we are aiming for true awakening.


Many people do not want to be aware of the dark elements, but since a wise man dares to think of danger even when he is at ease ("Never think of negative things because the vibrations will go down" is actually just a kind of brainwashing aimed at reducing the ability to respond to crisis and manage risk), I would call for caution. We should be on the alert for man-made fires using DEW weapons, which are connected to the smart city projects (Wajima, Kita-Kyushu, Maui, etc.).


This year, since New Year's Day, the Noto earthquake, the Haneda plane fire, the Shinjuku fire, the Yamanote line injury incident, etc., have been active in the setup of the DS remnants and the dark side, while also mobilizing crisis actors.


As time goes by, we are sure to see more and more of the same, which will in turn awaken those who have been asleep.


Let us stay determined not to be swayed by the tricks of the dark side, but to continue to build a new era every day. When the sun shines more, the cockroaches will naturally disappear.


So, I wish you all a good day.