Toward a way of life as human beings that will not be eradicated by AI


Hello everyone. After listening to Mike Adams' interview with Dr. Shiva, I was very impressed, and I am convinced that no one but Dr. Shiva can speak so precisely about the significance of AI development in human history in a way that directly relates to the perspective of democratic politics.


The weight of Dr. Shiva's knowledge as a systems scientist and his practice as an engineer-inventor, together with his insights as a politician and thinker, are far greater than those of Edward Snowden and Phil Godlewski, who are regarded as heroes in the Q community.


Dr. Shiva was born in India to the untouchable class and began to reflect on systems of oppression and global domination through experiences of discrimination at the age of four or five, came to the U.S. at seven, studied and gained experience as a medical intern, developed his talents, and invented email at 14.


In high school, he played soccer and baseball, and later entered MIT (he didn't even know about MIT until two weeks prior to that), where he edited the student newspaper and was active in social issues.


He ran for Senate in 2018 as the Republican candidate from Massachusetts. He garnered grassroots support, but was unfairly intervened by Twitter. Through a thorough investigation of this incident, he uncovered election fraud from a systems science perspective and found not only big tech but also the federal government involved in it (pending trial vs.Twitter). Congress had passed a bill allowing Silicon Valley to control the people (in violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution).


Dr. Shiva is now running for US President, claiming that all the candidates other than himself are Zionists and that no one but himself can bring truth, happiness, and health to the people. His slogan is Truth Freedom & Health, the exact opposite of Power Profit Control, which is the goal of those in power.


Below are some scribbled notes from the perspective of "AI vs. humans," picking up on Dr. Shiva's explanation and Mike Adams' comments.


Currently, AI development is accelerating with Google's Gemini, Amazon's Q, etc. Microsoft, Meta, etc. are also developing their own.


As one can easily guess, AI development is headed toward the domination of human society by AI. You could even call it the extermination of the human race by transhumanism.


First of all, we need to confirm the fact that all the AI /LLM (Large Language Models) being developed by the globalist camp are Woke (far-left liberal globalist brains).


Silicon Valley Big Tech facilitates AI /LLM learning through online drowning out (account suspension, shadow-banning) of human voices that speak truth against the globalist agenda. The users are providing the language material for AI /LLM training for free. Are global citizens aware of this?


AI is also built into the vote-counting machines of modern "democracies," and certain algorithms allow fraud to be perpetrated. However, parliamentarians are unaware of this. They have no understanding of such mechanisms.


On the contrary, the Diet has passed a resolution approving an AI-based national surveillance system. This violates the First Amendment. It was passed into law by the Trump administration for that matter. Because of that bill, even today, the voices of those who speak out for the truth are subject to surveillance regulations on social media.


To change this kind of politics, we need a de-centralized, bottom-up movement that resists the centralized, top-down approach.


Dr. Shiva's website will allow us to briefly learn the essence of systems science as the experts at MIT learn it, to revitalize immunities in a systems science way, to cultivate local agriculture in a systems science way, and to upgrade our thinking in a systems science way to enable innovation in our respective fields.


Review of AI basics.


AI learning has three main processes.

1) Feature extraction

2) Clustering

3) Learning


Big data processing makes it possible to increase the predictive power of pattern recognition through these processes. In addition, the expansion of the scale may lead to the emergence of certain new properties that were unpredictable (emergent properties). The ability to generate sentences and to converse in chat GPTs are examples of such emergent properties.


Then, in the future, will the qualities that can emerge through AI development also cover human consciousness and higher-order mental functions?


A quick review of the evolution of worldviews based on matter and spirit shows that since Newton established the laws of motion of matter in the 1600s, a mechanistic view of the world and the universe has developed, culminating in today's transhumanism based on computer AI. This worldview, which views human existence as reduced to the material world, is at the bottom of the worldview. In contrast, the religious world has presented a spiritual worldview, but it is now being relegated to the point of being eclipsed by a materialistic worldview.


Science universalism, materialism, materialist history, communism, totalitarianism, Big Brother, AI transhumanism.


A systems science view always looks at the influence relationships of the whole system. As in the "blind people stroking the elephant" anecdote, the prevailing theories tend to discuss the local features without looking at the whole (Jews, Rothschilds, Vatican, British Royal Family, Freemasons, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, CIA, WEF, etc). But we must get a grip on the whole system and how it works.


The key point is that those who wield power have been controlling mankind as a swarm, just like a flock of birds flying in a brilliant formation with telepathic cooperation between individuals.


Thus, the AI /LLMs they build are imprinted that boys can also give birth, that global warming is a crisis for the planet, and that vaccines are safe. They process information and perform tasks based on such (big) data. They answer questions, have conversations, and create documents. And we have a situation where people without critical thinking skills are being educated by their AI/LLMs.


They prefer a centralized system and want the people to be isolated and incorporated as one node on the system. They do not want us to be informed about how the system works. So they try to evade, make invisible, and pass off such individuals as Dr. Shiva (the aim of the shadowban).


For them, the prevalence of a material worldview is really convenient, and transhumanism allows them to materialize and undermine human existence to the utmost limit and make management as efficient as possible.


The direction to resist is de-centralizing and bottom-up. So, what should we do to resist transhumanism and AI domination?


In a school of Eastern thought, there are three levels of the psyche. The first is the instinctive level, which is the level of the animal brain. The second level, the mechanistic, intellectual level, corresponds to the worldview of today's material civilization. The third level, the instinctive level, is the dimension connected to the principles of the universe, and is unreachable by the elucidation of materialistic mechanisms.


No matter how much data machines accumulate and how much emergence enables them to recognize new patterns, they will never reach this level. It is in the dimension of whether we can feel love, whether we can think about death, and whether we can ask ourselves what we are living for. It is impossible to build a computer that asks these questions, no matter how far transhumanists try to go.


If there is any reason to fear AI or LLM, it arises from the idea that you are nothing more than a mechanical-intellectual level of being. That dimension can all be replaced by AI through algorithms.


Therefore, to be a human being who will never be defeated by AI, one must fulfill the meaning of one's existence as a human being, which is not reduced to the level of mechanical intelligence.


De-centralizing, bottom-up, physical activity, immune activation, meeting people, learning. Individual potential. One person's awareness raised can change the world.


I hope you all have a good day.