日本国内の報道より、New York Timesの記事が、ロムニー氏の立場を詳細に報道している。
以下は、New York Timesからの引用である。

Romney Backs Israeli Stance on Threat of Nuclear Iran

JERUSALEM — Mitt Romney said Sunday that
preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capability
should be America’s “highest national security priority,”
stressing that “no option should be excluded” in the effort.
“We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative
to deny Iran’s leaders the means
to follow through on their malevolent intentions,”
Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, told an audience of …
The speech, delivered at dusk overlooking the Old City,
was short on policy prescriptions,
as Mr. Romney tried to adhere to an unwritten code
suggesting that candidates not criticize each other on foreign soil.