まだ、Corona Virus の影響が残る(1日の
新規感染者数が 100 人程度の)New Zealand 
ですが、Corona 対策のための『間引き運転』
を終了して、2月 (08FEB2022) から、鉄道を
交通局からの mail を受信しました。

ますが、 それ以外は、通常の生活に戻って

図1 Auckland の鉄道駅(Baldwin Avenue 駅)


図2 新規感染者数の推移


図3 Auckland 交通局からの mail


図4 Albert Park から見た Sky Tower


図5 Auckland の Train


図6 Auckland の Bus


図7 Auckland の Ferry

(ここから、27JAN2022 の受信 mail の内容)
> Subject: Changes to bus, train and ferry services
> Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 02:13:59 GMT
> Kia ora
> The Government has moved all of New Zealand to the Red setting of 
> the COVID-19 Protection Framework 
> (-> https://e.at.govt.nz/mail/link/TXu6edi7sqIMlv_dAi4q0g )
> to slow the spread of 
> Omicron. We wanted to get in touch to let you know what's 
> happening with our bus, train and ferry services and what you need 
> to know when travelling with us.
> Find out more
> Bus, train and ferry services
> The good news is that our bus, train and ferry services are returning 
> to full timetables.
> Ferry services have already returned to normal timetables
> From 1st February all bus services will return to normal timetables
> From 8th February rail services will return to normal timetables
> We'll continue to work with bus, train and ferry operators to 
> understand the impact that the current COVID-19 outbreak will have. 
> There is a chance that as the current outbreak spreads it will result in 
> staff shortages that will impact on the delivery of our services, as a 
> result of staff calling in sick or having to go into isolation.
> For this reason you need to be aware that services may be cut at 
> short notice.
> We strongly recommend that you check before you travel by 
> planning your journey online through the AT Journey Planner or on 
> the AT Mobile app. Updates on any short notice cancellations will be 
> posted here first.
> Plan your journey
> Travelling at Red
> We're doing our best to keep you safe when travelling with us, and 
> with services operating to normal timetables there will be plenty of 
> room onboard. If you're worried about space on onboard your trip, 
> you can check the occupancy available on the AT Mobile app and 
> on the information screens at stops and stations.
> Face masks continue to be required at all times on buses, trains and 
> ferries, and when moving around our stations, stops and terminals. 
> This includes students in school year 4 and above. You must also 
> continue to scan-in onboard your service using the COVID-19 Tracer 
> app.
> For more information on travelling at Red
> We'll get you there safely
> For more information about our services and to plan your journey 
> visit the AT Journey Planner or use the AT Mobile app.
> We'll get through this together. We'll get you there safely.
> Nga mihi
>The AT Team

(ここまで、27JAN2022 の受信 mail の内容)
