New Zealand の Auckand では、11月19日から
Train や Bus に乗車する時には、face coverings
 10月7日に Corona Virus Alert が Level 2 
から Level 1 に引き下げられた時は、face coverings

 現在のところ、New Zealand 全体の感染者数は、
それほど増加していません。New Zealand 全体で、
 ほとんどの感染者は、海外から New Zealand に

図1 Auckland の市街地 (Newton) の風景


図2 17NOV2020 の受信 mail


図3 New Zealand 全体の感染者数(陽性と判定された人)

図4 地域別の感染者数

図5 感染源の分類


図6 過去に発生した Cluster


図7 鉄道の Kingsland 駅付近


図8 鉄道の Morningside 駅の入口


図9 Morningside 駅付近で見た猫

(ここから、17NOV2020 の受信 mail の内容)
> Subject: Wearing a face covering on public transport is mandatory from Thursday.
> Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 06:51:07 GMT
> Kia ora,
> To help keep us all safe, the Government has announced that from Thursday 19 
> November you must wear a face covering whilst on-board public transport in 
> Auckland.
> This change means that even under Alert Level 1 it is now mandatory for 
> everyone over the age of 12 to wear a face covering while on public transport. 
> This Government announcement does not apply to school buses, as students are 
> already part of a registered group. You also don't need to wear a face covering 
> if you have a disability or condition that makes it unsuitable to cover your face.
> We recommend you scan the QR codes which are on-board buses, trains, and 
> ferries using the NZ COVID Tracer app.
> It's important to make sure your AT HOP card is registered to help with contact 
> tracing.  If you hear a 'triple-beep' when you tag-on, it means your card is not 
> registered. To register your card, click here.
> To learn how to make a face covering or for more information, please visit the 
> Government's COVID-19 website.
> Let's continue to do our bit and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Thanks for your 
> understanding and patience.
> This is a service message to all registered AT HOP cardholders. Please note, this 
> will not affect your current subscription preferences.
> 2019 Auckland Transport

(ここまで、17NOV2020 の受信 mail の内容)
