


6月に開催予定の「OHAO PROJECT 学びのフェア」にご協力いただける方々をご紹介いたします。


そこで、6月22日(土)にOHAO PROJECTの活動にご賛同いただいた救世主であるムンロ王子とバルーンアートの文さんをご紹介いたします。



石川県在住の医療者でもある文さん(東 文一さん)は、能登復興支援のお礼を兼ねて子ども食堂を訪問されています。簡単な体験教室も行う予定だそうです。文さんは20年間、医療者としてだけでなく、子どもたちへの支援を続けてこられました。被災地の多くの子どもたちをバルーンアートで笑顔にされていらっしゃいます。輪島市の小学校でも今週依頼がありバルーンアートを披露されるそうです。「誰かのために」という思いで休みなく活動を継続されていらっしゃる文さんは、私も学ばせていただきたい深いお志をお持ちのお方です。この温かい思いが今の時代にとても大切なことを子どもたちへ届けてくれると信じています。


June Event! OHAO PROJECT Learning Fair - Featuring Munro Prince and Balloon Art by Mr. Bun-san

Hello everyone!

We are excited to introduce the wonderful collaborators who will be joining us for the upcoming "OHAO PROJECT Learning Fair" in June.

Initially, we planned to hold this event in collaboration with the Embassy of Kuwait in June. However, after hosting an event in May, we have decided to make the next Kuwait cultural event a memorable experience for the children during their summer vacation. We have received approval from the principal of Mita Junior High School to invite its students as part of our regional cultural exchange. If there is additional space, we plan to open the event to more participants. We are currently coordinating with the Ambassador's schedule. Please wait a little longer for further details.

Now, let us introduce the saviors who have graciously supported the OHAO PROJECT and will be joining us on Saturday, June 22nd: Munro Prince and Mr. Fumi, the balloon artist.

Meeting Munro Prince
It was 10 years ago that I met Munro Prince at a home party hosted by a very talented individual who had received the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Award. Recently, through mutual acquaintances, we reconnected and have been in touch. Despite the sudden change in the event date, Munro Prince kindly agreed to participate. He truly is a savior.

The Charms of Munro Prince
Munro Prince, a graduate of the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. By experiencing French chanson, children can enhance their international awareness and understanding of different cultures. Additionally, through the reading of works by Kenji Miyazawa (subject to change), children’s sensitivity and imagination will be enriched, sparking their interest in literature. Furthermore, learning about Munro Prince’s work as a tarot reader may offer children a way to reflect on their futures, deepen their self-understanding, and boost their self-esteem, providing psychological support. We believe that such a unique learning experience will bring something wonderful to the children and parents in our community.

Balloon Art by Mr. Bun-san
Mr. Bun-san (Fumiichi Higashi), a medical professional based in Ishikawa Prefecture, is visiting children's cafeterias as a gesture of gratitude for the support during the Noto reconstruction. He plans to hold a simple workshop as well. For 20 years, Mr. Bun-san has continued to support children, not only as a medical professional but also through his balloon art, bringing smiles to many children affected by disasters. This week, he has been invited to perform balloon art at an elementary school in Wajima City. His tireless dedication to helping others is truly inspiring, and I believe his warm spirit will convey a vital message to the children in these times.

OHAO Festival
This time, OHAO is also planning a festival-like event that will bring joy to the children. We would love to hear about the things you enjoy. Let's create a fun event together.

How to Apply
Click here to apply. We look forward to your participation!