







Good evening, everyone!

We are excited to invite you to the special event "Learning Fair and Disaster Preparedness Training," co-hosted with the Embassy of Kuwait. At this event, the Embassy has developed a disaster-prepared food recipe that allows Japanese people to enjoy the flavors of Kuwait. Children will also participate, taking on the challenge of cooking the traditional Kuwaiti dish "Mumawwash" within a set time limit.

This dish is nutritionally balanced with proteins and carbohydrates, making it not only delicious but also nourishing. Mumawwash is a widely cherished dish in Kuwait, and the embassy’s chef will cook it on-site, allowing you to experience its authentic taste right at the event.

Additionally, dates and milk are recommended as disaster-prepared foods. Dates are naturally sweet and rich in carbohydrates, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, and magnesium, which help generate energy and maintain bodily functions. They are also a healthy alternative to sugar as a natural sweetener.

Milk is an excellent source of protein, and rich in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. These nutrients not only support bone health but are also essential for muscle function and nerve transmission. Milk can also provide a quick and easy way to supplement nutrients during disasters.

This event is free of charge, thanks to the generosity of the Embassy of Kuwait, which will provide the meals. Additionally, we will conduct a fundraising activity to support the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. During the event, you will also have the opportunity to hear from Shibafire Department staff about their experiences responding to the earthquake. This valuable testimony will deepen your understanding of disaster response and enhance your awareness of disaster preparedness.

We sincerely hope you will join us and support this event. It's a fantastic opportunity to enjoy delicious food, deepen your knowledge of disaster preparedness, and experience the culture of Kuwait.

We eagerly await your participation and support as we explore the charms of Kuwait and gain new insights and experiences for a wonderful day together!