


セレンゲティ国立公園(Serengeti National Park):

タランギーレ国立公園(Tarangire National Park):

ンゴロンゴロ保全地域(Ngorongoro Conservation Area):

キリマンジャロ国立公園(Kilimanjaro National Park):

ルワハ国立公園(Ruaha National Park):






Tanzania's National Parks and Conservation Areas: A Paradise of Nature and Wildlife

Hello everyone!

Do you remember where the United Republic of Tanzania is located? In our previous lesson, we learned about it. To enjoy our Tanzanian adventure together, let's do some pre-learning about Tanzania's unique places.

Tanzania boasts many national parks and wildlife conservation areas, established for purposes such as wildlife preservation, tourism, and research. Here are a few of Tanzania's national parks and conservation areas:

Serengeti National Park:
Serengeti is one of the most famous national parks in Africa, known for the great wildlife migration and vast savannah landscapes. It's home to lions, zebras, giraffes, and elephants, among many other species.

Tarangire National Park:
Tarangire National Park is renowned for its herds of elephants. It's also a birdwatcher's paradise, with a rich variety of bird species.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area:
Ngorongoro is a massive volcanic caldera known for its unique ecosystem. Here, you can get up close to a wide range of wildlife, making it a treasure trove for nature enthusiasts.

Kilimanjaro National Park:
Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, is a famous destination for trekkers and climbers. The national park offers stunning mountain landscapes and a unique ecosystem.

Ruaha National Park:
Ruaha is Tanzania's largest national park, home to a diverse range of wildlife. It provides a different environment compared to Serengeti and is popular among safari enthusiasts.

These are just some of Tanzania's national parks and conservation areas. Altogether, Tanzania offers a wealth of opportunities for wildlife observation and natural experiences.

With the support of the embassy, today we will talk about the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in Tanzania. This is a place where unforgettable experiences await, so let's learn about Ngorongoro.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a globally renowned tourist destination. It was first designated as a natural heritage site in Tanzania in 1979. In 2010, it was further added to UNESCO's World Heritage List as a mixed natural and cultural property.

Here, you can reliably spot black rhinos in their natural environment, and it's also known as the place with the densest lion population in the world. Inside the Ngorongoro Crater, you can witness elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards, and buffaloes in their natural habitat during a 4-hour tour. These conservation areas are truly one-of-a-kind places.

Get ready to visually indulge in the breathtaking landscapes of Ngorongoro!

カルデラとクレーターは、地球上のさまざまな地形に存在し、科学的研究や観光名所として重要な役割を果たしています。前述のンゴロンゴロ保全地域(Ngorongoro Conservation Area)の例では、ンゴロンゴロクレーターは火山カルデラの一種であり、多くの野生動物と美しい風景が魅力です。


A crater refers to a depression or hole formed on the Earth's surface.
Craters can be formed by volcanic activity, but they can also be created by other geological processes. For example, craters can be formed by the impact of meteorites.
Craters formed by volcanic activity are typically depressions that occur at the summit of a volcano and are also known as volcanic craters. During a volcanic eruption, magma and gases may be expelled from these craters.

A caldera refers to a large depression or hole formed primarily in association with volcanic activity.
Usually, when a volcano erupts, magma erupts from an underground reservoir, and the summit of the volcano may collapse or subside. As a result, a huge depression or hole is formed, and this is called a caldera.
Calderas can be extremely large, ranging from several kilometers to tens of kilometers in diameter, and they may contain lakes within them.

Calderas and craters are found in various geological landscapes on Earth and play significant roles in scientific research and as tourist attractions. As an example, in the case of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area mentioned earlier, the Ngorongoro Crater is a type of volcanic caldera, known for its abundant wildlife and beautiful scenery.