


Gratitude for Collaboration and Partnership at Sakura River Welfare Plaza

Today, discussions were held with Mr. Takenouchi, the facility director, and Mr. Nonaka, the administrative director, to ensure the safe use of the Sakura River Welfare Plaza's tearoom. This location is part of the Sakura Garden, a special nursing home operated by the Nagaoka Welfare Association under the Social Welfare Corporation. It is a facility where elderly individuals requiring nursing care reside and make use of the services. I recall that during my time working at the Emergency Room of the Emergency Medical Center, this facility had a partnership for ambulance transfers. We discussed measures to ensure safe operation without causing any spread of infections.

I am deeply grateful for the collaboration and partnership at this community-oriented initiative, which enables the OHAO Project to continue its activities with determination. Moving forward, I look forward to further cooperation and coordination as we strive to build a better future. Thank you for your support.