2010-06-05投稿 『かわらギョクサイくん』 ガーデン・外溝・エクス ~完結編~のEngulish Versionの説明

About the standardized tile ( we call "Shamot").

The time has gone by since the first sign of environmental issue of temperature rise,an increase of the surface of the sea and an extermination of the rare animals.

We have been thinking how the roof trader takes care of the ceramic tile like our trader is useful for the earth,how we can do by way of business.

In this way we started "Shamot"

We return Japanese clay tile which has a special quality of keeping and inhaling moisture to the earth skillfully,

we are in action that be good for an environment, health and economy.

Please refer to the following details:

standard, product

clay tile material
about 3mm or less

about 26mm or less

about 210mm

Q) Why Japanese tile has many holes and excellent for keeping and inhaling moisture?

A1) Regarding climate of Japan

The climate of Japan is very different compared to the West.

First of all it has so much rain, the amount of rainfall is about 1800mm throughout the year in Japan, however the average of the world is about 730mm. It's about 500800mm in Europe or America. As it's the climate of Asian monsoon style,the rain concentrates in summer. It has a localized torrential downpour and also it has no rain for several months, besides we have many mountains. Mountains and forests occupy nearly /3 of the country, also Japan is the long and narrow island. and mountain range(2,0003,000m) go through in the center, a ratio covered with mountain and forest----------


England:10% or less

Therefore we could make the original paddy that make the best use of these climate since ancient times.

A2) About Japanese clay tile

A special quality of clay has three kinds of different quality like climate.

mild climate area

fallen snow area

area that handle Japanese typical clay  Now we propose the standardized tile handling in the typical clay producing district.

A special quality of "Shamot"

The tile with many holes raise the keeping and inhaling moisture.

inspection by microscope

おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-規格外瓦 顕微鏡 おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-規格外瓦 顕微鏡

Safety and Quality

1 safety for ground water, the crops

2 safety regarding to throw into the ocean

It’s satisfy the standard judgment by an environmental standard in Japan.

(it's possible to show the data)


1 a property as agricultural material------a special quality regarding moisture and silicic acid

(it's possible to show the data)

2 a property as an earth-moving material-----an application as the roadbed material

Valid use of the standardized tile

From the above condition, appearances are same as sand and rubble

1 bury for return at the site of mining clay----In the case of utilization as cultivated land, lower position of soil is well drained and

it's advisable the layer soil with high ventilation. Therefore we can expect the practical use of "Shamot"with soaking quality as a set.

In the case of utilization as land for housing, cause of the anxiety about subsidence of returning layer soil, layer"Shamot" has to set

on the top and bottom of burring of layer soil. We can expect the stable ground as a base of land while it's accelerating the sinking compress.

Also in the case of the outbreak of spring from the bottom of mining clay, it is possible to raise the execution of works of burring through

layer"Shamot"set and promote draining.

2 a step of heat island in the city----We have an essential goal of the reduction of trees in the city or the formation of harmonious view.

We expect the practical use of "Shamot" in tree planting as insulation or draining. Also it is accepted as the material of pavement which is

easy to absorb the moisture. According to the experimentation data, the difference of the road surface temperature (compared with asphalt

in Japan) became lower16°in maximum. The moisture evaporate slowly and temperature is going down.

3 utilization of wall material----it can form the strong wall material as it mix with lime soil

4 paint----mix with the grain crushed into 2mm or below of pulverized tile and the material of paint with some kinds of the adhesive→use for

the excellent material in regard to shield noise and heat.

おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-やねっこ 前 施工例2  → おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-やねっこ  →おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-やねっこ

   before                          After

おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-セラミックサンド 前   →  おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-セラミックサンド 後

  before                       After 
おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-セラミックサンド 拡大 zoOM拡大

おちゃむの『よろこびの庭』-シャモット混入 モルタル坂

6 improvement of the agricultural soil the particle of clay tile that grew in Japan help to make the fertile land for breeding the microbe.

Also we have a good result that a silicic acid melting out form tile in good for growing a rice plant.

It is thought that we still have uses except these ideas.

Please let us know any question or your opinion.

Besides safety plan of products is a standard in Japan.

We are expecting the inquiry from you.

Best regards,

     Hiroyasu Kawarakenzai,Ltd