SAKE FUTURE Summit 2020 | 「真野鶴」五代目留美子の蔵元日記

SAKE FUTURE Summit 2020


Sake Future Summit 2020 is a chance to bring the global dialogue about sake and shochu together in one place for one inspiring weekend celebrating these incredible drinks.

The beverages’ hyper-local connection to their region’s traditions, agriculture, livelihood of the people and local resources are second to none. At the same time, these still relatively small industries are poised to explode across an increasingly curious global food and beverage market in a way that is set to transform the ways in which the world accesses and enjoys both sake and shochu. 

I will participate one of the program.

Join us as the world’s industry leaders, creative thinkers and adventurous spirits explore how sake and shochu have, and will continue, to reshape our relationships with food, beverage, nature, agriculture, health, local and global economies, and possibly even one another.





真野鶴・公式ページ ■MANOTSURU website(English)



■学校蔵について        ■About Gakkokura(English)

■尾畑留美子プロフィール   ■IoTと酒づくり~モロミ君について


