
I have Fibroids and Adenomyosis ( similar to Endometriosis) This is Sunday - Monday - Tuesday. My shark week day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 -3.6 lbs in 3 days and Of course I gained weights and more bloated. Almost every single month. It’s been 3 years since I had ablation procedure for my super heavy flow.  I started my symptoms back about year ago. Felt more struggle about weight but not try to stress out. That’s hard.... as a coach, I would love to see myself and show more Visually noticeable . But hey... That’s all me... Me with illnesses.  Many people may give up their weights loss. Many people may be struggles more and feel depressed.   I showed up for you! so Don’t give up. I have lost 30-40 lbs since this journey started. I have gained more confidence and strength. and I am proud of myself including my illness.  We work on our body. We take care of our body by ourselves.  MM100 Core Inferno ✅     #Adenomyosis #UterineFibroids #健康生活ダイエット応援団 #healthylifestyle #momsover40 #アラフィフママ #Healthymoms #coffeeeffect #空手ママ日課 #over40moms #myhealthyRoutine #糖質制限ダイエット一応 #娘は中学生(もうすぐ) #コーヒー❤️ #健康生活コーチ #positivelife #karatemomsroutine #MomCanDoHardThings #Meowcho #morningmeltdown100 #IamCommittedtobe100 #fitwithfurbabies #Fitnesswithchronicalillnesses #Depression #Anxiety #Panicattack

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