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Resident visa changes that may affect your staff


Hi there,


As an employer who has hired someone on a work visa recently, you may be interested in recent immigration policy changes. 


As announced by the Minister of Immigration, from today, the following changes have been made to the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa:


  • The points threshold for selection has been increased from 140 to 160 from 12 October 2016 (regardless of whether an applicant has a job offer)
  • The way applicants show evidence that they meet the minimum standard of English is changing




Why the change?

New Zealand is currently a popular destination, and therefore there is a very high demand for places under the Skilled Migrant Category.
To ensure that this demand is managed effectively, the Government has set the total planning range of Skilled Migrant Resident Visas to be granted across the 2016/17 and 2017/18 years at 50,500 to 57,500.

If Immigration New Zealand was to continue to select Expressions of Interest using the same thresholds as before, more visas would be granted than the planning range allows. 



What does this mean for you and your staff?

It may be more difficult for some migrants to obtain residence in New Zealand.

There is no single type of person or industry who will be affected by this change as points are awarded for a wide range of factors. Check the Skilled Migrant Category criteria on our website for the full details of what points can be claimed for. 

All other policies, including work and work-to-residence visas, remain unchanged. If your employee or prospective employee is no longer able to qualify for the Skilled Migrant Category, they may be able to apply for a temporary work visa or work-to-residence visa based on their job with you. Depending on the role, you may need to show that you cannot find any New Zealanders to take up the position.

If your employee has already submitted an Expression of Interest or is in the process of applying for a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, they will be contacted by Immigration New Zealand in the coming days.



Skilled Migrant Category questions and answers






