According to the popular theories, it had no established form and it seems to have been transferred verbally, however, there are such theories that advocate: i) it was equipped with a refined form comparable to Ritsuryo, ii) it was handed down from one emperor to another in a confidential manor, and iii) it might have been a vague norm that permitted a wide range of interpretation.

I believe that's as true today as it was back then. 
back then
    その当時は/ あのときは
    as ... as it was back then

● 挨拶 での 「お疲れ様」
See you tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
   / どんな不運や災難にも希望に輝く面がある。

Everybody's business is nobody's business.
    / 共同責任は無責任になる。

bath 入浴    all over 至る所

hole 穴    fall short of ~に及ばない
home 家    put off 延期する

library 図書館    turn to ~に頼る

time 時間    make out 理解する

big 大きい    turn down A Aを断る
dangerous 危険な    in vain 無駄に
difficult 難しい    pull up 車を止める
free 自由な    in practice 実際には
sleepy 眠い    insist on ~を主張する
draw (線)を描く    as well ~もまた
eat 食べる    arrive in ~に到着する
pick 摘む    that is to say つまり
sleep 眠る    arrive at ~に到着する
suffer 苦しむ    get to ~に到着する