However it was understandable if the Emperor had an incurable disease with an unknown cause, it was not natural to call a doctor from outside if the Emperor was apparently stabbed, so this theory was not seriously considered to be true among historians since it was very unrealistic compared to the theory of the Emperor being killed by poison.

When her adopted child, Prince Mochihito raised his army against the Taira clan in 1180 (the Rising of Prince Mochihito), it was said Hachijoin secretly supported Prince Mochihito, in fact, it was apparent that Prince Mochihito's child (the birth mother was the court-lady for Hachijoin) was sheltered in Hachijoin's Palace, however Kiyomori had to overlook her act since he was worried about social criticism, instead, he let Prince Mochihito's son entered the priesthood.

You need some alternatives just in case.
just in case
      / 何かあるといけないので、もしもの時のために

>> 以下のように、just in case の後に

    just in case we run out of money

Watch me dance!
That's really off-putting!


I got this shirt and pants at a thrift store. Don’t you think I look really stylish?
Not really. Actually, if you walk around town like that, I think people will be appalled!

ちょっと。 それ着て街歩いたら周りドン引きだよ

Honesty is ill for thriving.

The end justifies the means.

Security is the greatest enemy.

blame 非難    ask for ~を求める
breakdown 内訳    for good 永久に
carriage 馬車    on and off 時々
method 手法    put off 延期する
mission 任務    and so on ~など
decent 妥当な    as to ~に関して
prominent 著名な    for now 当分は
ripe 熟した    as good as ~も同然
swift 敏速な    by the way ところで
vigorous 精力的な    in short つまり
crouch しゃがむ    call for ~を求める
devise 考案する    get lost 道に迷う
omit 省略する    result in ~に終わる
portray 演じる    by degrees 徐々に
relieve 軽減する    set in 始まる