It is said that the seppuku had a major effect on Japanese culture and national character after the national education system of the post Meiji period incorporated bushido into the national morality.

In the 'Hongyan Nagan' story of "Lushi Chunqiu" (The Annals of Lu Buwei), the bravery and loyalty of the retainer Hongyan who ended his life by cutting his own abdomen, removing his internal organs and inserting the liver of his master who had been brutally murdered is praised by many.

Farmers frequently grow Myoga as a spice in shady places together with Sansho (Japanese pepper) and Mitsuba (Japanese honewort) in their fruit orchards, gardens or homestead woodlands.

The production of sakurazuke began at the end of the Edo period in Chimura, Hadano City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and today approximately 80% of sakurazuke is produced in this area.

If I don't do something, I'm going to go nuts!
I'm going to go nuts.
go nuts 頭がおかしくなる、熱狂する
    nuts を相手に対して使う場合は
    Nuts to you! バカ野郎!
    Are you nuts? お前バカじゃないの?

I busted my knee.

Yo, I saw you with your chick at the mall, she’s so busted she couldn’t even get a date with a horse.

A chance acquaintance is a divine ordinance.

All is lost that is given to a fool.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

attention 注意    look into ~を調べる
match 試合    derive from ~に由来する
shock 衝撃    inquire into ~を調べる
stadium 競技場    go into ~を調べる
word 語    be derived from ~に由来する
exciting 興奮させる    run over ~を轢く
fine 元気な    on end 続けて、立て続けに
windy 風の強い    in advance 前もって
whole 全ての    every other ~おきに
abroad 外国へ    consent to ~に同意する
collect ~を集める    at large 一般に
miss ~をのがす    in general 一般に
pass ~を手渡す    as a rule 一般に
seem 見える    take note of ~に気づく
try ~を試みる    or else さもなければ
be absorbed in ~に熱中している
be keen on ~に熱中している