国際化と地域活性化の講演会講師/ 国際交流と多文化共生の講演会講師/ 国際化とSDGsの講演/ 地域活性化とダイバーシティの講演会/ 国際理解と地多文化共生の講演会講師 [キーワードetc]















I delivered a lecture on “Internationalization and Regional Activation” at the “Town Development Lecture,” organized by Saitama Prefecture’s Koshigaya City. The event took place at the Central Civic Hall Theater, with a large audience, mainly composed of members of Koshigaya City’s Community Promotion Council, who play a central role in the revitalization of the region and town development.


Koshigaya City’s Community Promotion Council consists of two pillars: the City Community Promotion Council and the District Community Promotion Council. The City Community Promotion Council focuses on activities throughout Koshigaya City, while the District Community Promotion Council is responsible for activities within each district.


In line with the national trend, the number of foreign residents in Koshigaya City has been increasing. Currently, there are 8400 foreign residents, and I learned that there was an increase of 700 residents just last year. The proportion of the total population is around 2.4%, slightly exceeding the national average.




Considering the growing number of foreign residents, there is a recognized need for the administration to facilitate communication beyond the boundaries of Japanese and non-Japanese residents. The idea is to bring people together, overcome barriers, and collaborate to contribute to community development. This was the basis for the invitation to share insights and perspectives in this regard.


Feedback from the organizers was positive, expressing that they found the talk valuable and enjoyable, and the hour passed quickly. Participants also shared sentiments such as “It was truly enjoyable” and “I was impressed by the concept of shared laughter.” It’s heartening to hear that everyone felt the lecture was worthwhile. The topics of internationalization, regional activation, and coexistence are common themes nationwide, and I look forward to cherishing the connections made through lectures and training sessions. If there are ways I can be of assistance, please feel free to reach out to our company.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the connection we have made this time. Thank you very much.



(This article is posted by the ”N” team , the management crew of Dr. Nishantha.)
*About us : https://nishan.jp Contacts : https://nishan.jp/contact



(福田晃 越谷市長と記念写真を撮らせて頂きました。ありがとうございました。)