「ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン」講演会・研修会の講師:多文化共生、人権、SDGs(にしゃんた)@ 日本赤十字社 東京都赤十字献血センター Instructor for the “Diversity & Inclusion” Training Seminar: Multicultural Coexistence, Human Rights, SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) @ Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center, Japanese Red Cross Society.




9月21日、日本赤十字社 東京都赤十字血液センターにて開催された「ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン」研修会の講師をさせて頂きました。60分の講演の後に、30分にわたる質疑応答の時間となりました。




















On September 21st, I had the honor of being the instructor for the “Diversity & Inclusion” training seminar held at the Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center.


This seminar was aimed at all employees of the Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center, and approximately 60 managers attended in person at the venue. Due to the nature of their work, it was challenging for everyone to gather in one place, so around 800 individuals, including doctors, nurses, receptionists, and others, will have the opportunity to listen to the seminar on-demand.

In this world, there is nothing but “differences.” Diversity and change are pervasive, and Japan is no exception. When considering sustainability, peace, and developmental potential in various aspects of Japanese society, Diversity & Inclusion becomes a significant keyword.


The Japanese Red Cross Society has emphasized the necessity of flexible responses to evolving social issues and needs in its “Long-term Vision of the Japanese Red Cross Society,” which was announced in anticipation of the 150th anniversary of its founding on May 1, 2027.


There is a concerning trend of the declining number of Japanese blood donors each year. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that people with roots in other countries living in Japan show a proactive attitude toward blood donation. Personally, I have been teaching a “Volunteer” class at the university for nearly 15 years, and I have observed the same trend. Japanese students tend to be passive about blood donation, while international students are more proactive. Depending on their backgrounds, factors such as religious beliefs in the case of Vietnamese students or a sense of patriotism among Korean students seem to be the driving forces behind their willingness to donate blood. It might be one of the reasons why Japanese students lack a clear motivating factor.



However, identifying the reasons alone is not enough; there is an urgent need to establish a strong foundation for blood circulation in society. I believe Japan has the potential for this. One recent memory that comes to mind is the long queues of blood donors during the East Japan earthquake disaster. There are Japanese individuals who want to help others in emergencies. However, blood donation can sometimes go to waste when a large number of people arrive at once. What is needed is not just emergency donations but also regular blood donations during peaceful times. To achieve this, it’s crucial to increase the number of individuals with blood donation experience. Additionally, we should be conscious of securing blood donors from the growing communities of foreign residents. Language barriers may pose challenges, so solutions to overcome language barriers are also urgently required.


I will continue the annual blood donation promotion activities that I have been conducting with my students for nearly 15 years. Furthermore, I am willing to share my insights and experiences related to blood donation, as well as anything else that may be of value, whenever needed. I hope to be of service to you in any way possible.


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for this invaluable opportunity. Thank you very much.