[SDGs講演会講師]「SDGs 誰一人取り残さない 共に笑える社会のつくり方」にしゃんた@みなと倶楽部 [SDGs Lecture Speaker] “Creating a Society for SDGs: Leaving No One Behind, Laughing Together” Nishantha @ Minato Club







こちらの「みなと倶楽部」にて当日、基調講演をさせていただきました。テーマは、「SDGs 誰一人取り残さない 共に笑える社会のつくり方」です。






On September 5, 2023, the “Minato Club” event was held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel, organized by Minato Bank Co., Ltd. On the day of the event, a large number of individuals holding important positions in the local economic community gathered at the venue.



I (Nishanta) had the honor of delivering the keynote speech at this “Minato Club” event. The theme was “Creating a Society Where No One is Left Behind and We Can All Smile Together through SDGs.”




I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to speak here and would like to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you very much.

