


こちらは毎年、国際理解教育の一環として実施される「国際理解教育セミナー」で、にしゃんたの経験を踏まえた「多様性」や「異文化共生」についてのお話をというご依頼でありました。 学校の体育館が当日の会場で、全校生徒、教職員や保護者など、合わせて約1000名がお集まりくださいました。






今回の講演テーマは、「違いをたのしむ」というシンプルなものでありましたが、国際理解促進についてはもちろん、ダイバーシティ、多文化共生、SDGsや人権などを盛り込んだ講演内容となりました。 約70分の講演の終わりには質疑応答の時間が設けられました。そこで生徒さんからは非常に鋭いご質問をぶつけられ、皆さんの問題意識の高さを改めて実感する時間となりました。






Nishantha had the honor of being the speaker at the International Understanding Lecture organized by the Committee for Promoting International Understanding at Chiba Kita High School on June 9th.


Every year, this event, known as the “International Understanding Education Seminar,” takes place as part of your school’s international understanding education. You requested a talk on “diversity” and “intercultural coexistence,” drawing from Nishantha’s experiences. The school gymnasium served as the venue for the event, and approximately 1,000 people, including all students, faculty, and parents came together.




It seems that Nishantha was chosen as the speaker based on a request from the students, which makes this connection even more special and delightful.


The theme of Nishantha’s lecture this time was “Embracing Differences,” a simple yet meaningful concept. The content of the speech incorporated not only the promotion of international understanding but also diversity, multicultural coexistence, SDGs, and human rights. At the end of the approximately 70-minute lecture, a designated time for questions and answers was provided. The students posed very insightful questions, giving Nishantha another opportunity to appreciate the high level of your awareness and concerns.


We would like to express sincere gratitude to all of you who facilitated this opportunity and to everyone who attended and listened to the talk on the day. Thank you very much for your kind support.We wholeheartedly wishes each and every one of you continued good health and success. Thank you very much.

