【40】PSA定期報告とお知らせ | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version



だいぶご無沙汰してしまいましたが、今年もよろしくお願いします 龍!!






ときて、今回の結果は 滝汗








どぅるどぅるどぅるどぅるどぅるどぅる 滝汗
















真顔 泌尿器科M先生「体調はいかがですか?持病の肺の方は?」


グラサン ニッチャラ「いやー、ホルモン治療の影響がまだ出ていて、毎日泳いでますけど前ほど距離泳げなくなりましてん」


真顔 泌尿器科M先生「え?泳げてますの?しかも毎日?」






にやり 放射線科Y先生「2.18ですか、そうですね、これはホルモン治療してない患者さんとしては順調にPSAが戻ってきているってことでしょうねー」










収穫の期間が短いリコピン人参なので貴重ですな スター

発売開始になりましたら、またお知らせしますね 照れ




English version

[40] PSA Regular Report and Update


Long time no see, but here's to another year ahead! 

Now, it's that familiar time again for regular PSA tests for prostate cancer patients.


Last but one time (July 2023): 0.43 

Last time (October 2023): 1.03



And now, drumroll please... 




it's 2.18 this time. 


Like last time, it's nearly double the previous number.

If by any chance, this doubling continues every three months, it would be a calculation of PSA 34.88 after a year. Well, it's not that straightforward, but let's just say it's a hypothetical scenario.


― Here's how the consultation went @ the urology department ―


Urologist Dr. M: "How's your health? And what about your lung condition?" 


Me: "Well, the effects of hormone therapy are still lingering, and though I swim every day, I can't swim as far as before." 


Urologist Dr. M: "Huh? You're still swimming? And every day?"


Seems like the doctor thought my stamina had declined more than it actually has, as he was quite surprised. 

I also spoke with the radiologist, who had a similar response:


Radiologist Dr. Y: "2.18, hmm? Well, for a patient not undergoing hormone therapy, this indicates a steady return of PSA, right?"


Since there are no particular symptoms, it's hard to say anything definite, but I'll keep going strong along with my lycopene carrots!


Now, the lycopene carrot powder has been selling out continuously, and I apologize for the wait. 

However, the powder from the 2024 harvest will be ready very soon. It's currently in production, so please stay tuned for its release. 


Meanwhile, fresh lycopene carrots are available in stores, and I'm enjoying blending them every morning. 

These lycopene carrots have a short harvest period, making them quite precious. 

Once the release date is set, I'll let you know!


Well then!





If you're interested in lycopene carrot powder, you can find it at "Nichara," 

the lycopene carrot powder 

specialty storeにんじん