【27】~復活させるぞ~放射線治療振り返り② | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version



























English version

[27]  ~I'll bring it back! ~ Radiation Review (2)

Hello, I am Nicchara, fighting Prostate Cancer patient.

So, here's my second reflection on radiation therapy.

Ignoring my urologist's advice, I went ahead and started radiation therapy with the radiation oncologist. Following the radiation to the primary site, I continued with radiation to the site of bone metastasis.

After a two-week break following radiation to the primary site, I began to have radiation to the bone metastasis site (the lower back). This round consisted of 35 Gray x 15 sessions.

Unlike last time, there wasn't the buildup-and-release sensation; it was a breeze.

They say there can be various side effects from radiation therapy, but in my case:

- Frequent urination (sometimes waking up every hour at night, leading to sleep deprivation)
- Difficulty urinating forcefully (feels like something's blocking the urethra)
- Redness on the skin surface of the lower back (feels like the radiation penetrated and burned the skin)
- Stretching feels like the flesh attached to the bones of the buttocks is burnt and tight
- Difficulty exerting force in the groin area, especially on uphill climbs (probably due to the effects of hormone therapy shrinking the prostate, though it's still there; I'm doing exercises to hopefully recover while thinking positively)"



It's been about 8 months since I finished radiation therapy, and now there are nights when I don't wake up to pee at all.


As I mentioned in my previous blog, even when there are metastases, if there are few in number, localized treatment to those areas can improve prognosis.


Here's an excerpt from the "Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR" website regarding oligometastasis:


Some patients with distant metastases have a limited number of metastatic lesions, confined to specific organs. This is called oligometastasis, and for patients in this condition, localized treatment to the limited metastatic sites may improve prognosis.


Just thought I'd share.


Well then!