【26】~神の言葉~放射線振り返り① | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version




































English version

[26] ~ God's Word ~ Radiation Review (1)


Hello, I am Nicchara, fighting Prostate Cancer patient.


Come to think of it, I thought that I didn't tell you the story of radiation therapy in detail, so I decided to look back.

I hope this information will be of useful to those who are about to receive treatment or who are considering similar treatment plan.


In a past blog, I talked about how I ended up undergoing radiation therapy instead of hormone therapy.



In general, in the case of prostate cancer with metastasis, the basic policy is often to start with drug therapy (hormone therapy) to monitor the progress. In fact, as I wrote in my past blog, at the urology department of the hospital I went to, "hormone therapy for several years" was the major policy.


However, after various investigations, I found that in the case of patients with a small number of metastases (Oligometastasis), in addition to drug therapy, radiation therapy was applied to the primary tumor. There is a detailed explanation on the website of Ofuna Central Hospital, so please take a look if you are interested.

Actually, I wanted to be treated at Ofuna Central Hospital, but I decided to go to the hospital which I go now because Ofuna Central Hospital was just too far.



In my case, I was looking for a way to avoid hormonal treatment which gave me serious and painful side effects, So I wanted to undergo radiation treatment. I was really lucky to get a chance to meet my radiology doctor, so I'm here now.

When one is at the crossroads, and either he has the courage and will to say, "I want to have this type of treatment, so I want to talk to a radiologist." or not, makes different.



I underwent radiation therapy in two doses, one for the primary tumor and one for the bone metastases.

At first, I received 20 doses of 55Gy to the prostate, which is the primary lesion with irradiation method called IMRT.  It was quite difficult to go to the hospital every day on weekdays.


I think everyone who has undergone radiation therapy for prostate cancer knows, that hardest part of therapy is to keep the bladder full of urine until irradiation. This is important to keep the urine volume in the bladder constant to stabilize the position of the prostate gland to improve the accuracy of irradiation.


But it's really difficult!

How so? Holding the pee was no problem, but it was extremely difficult to empty the bowels without urinate.

If you go to the bathroom and take dump, usually urine will come out as well, right?

Just how to take dump without urinating!?


As I did it over and over, I got the hang of it.

But when I was thinking about something else, I released them both before I knew it, and I had to do the routine over again.


As a setup for radiation therapy, they made a bucket seat like a racing car for me to lie down on. This was completed in an instant. When I lie down on a sheet filled with beads then suck out the air, a bucket seat shaped like my body was formed. Thanks to this seat, I could keep my body fixed during radiation treatment.  They marked three X on my waist with a magic marker. This was serve as a mark of the radiation targets. The position was checked each time with the CT built into the radiotherapy machine. The machine rotated 360 degrees around the body and irradiates from the bottom to the top so evenly, even I could tell the accuracy of this treatment.


The radiation itself was neither painful nor hot.

I didn't really feel like I'm really exposed to radiation. It only took about 15 minutes from entering to leaving the treatment room.


Even now, the words of the head of the radiology department; "Let's kill all the cancer cells of the hip bone" seem to me like the words of God, and it has been a source of confidence for me.

I really thank him from bottom of my heart.

Next time, I would like to talk about radiation to bone metastases and side effects after completing two rounds of radiation therapy.


Well then!