【2】最初の違和感… | 九転十起~前立腺がんに負けてたまるか!~


2021年9月PSA28.4→47まで上昇、11月前立腺がん骨転移あり ホルモン治療を止めることを独断で決め 2022年6月からリコピン人参のみで監視中

English version












English version

[2] Felling discomfort...

Hello, I am Nichara, fighting Prostate Cancer patient.


For those of you who have prostate cancer, what made you to get a PSA test?

In my case, I had surgery for a trans-sigmoidal hernia (so-called “prolapse”) in March 2020, shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic began.


In Aug. 2021, about a year and a half after the surgery, I felt my left testicle was apparently lower than the right. So, I decided to visit a urologist nearby.

And, the Dr. said …

“Oh, it’s probably the result of the prolapse surgery.”

“Well, let's do a blood test just to be sure.”


Then, PSA test result was 28.4.

After checking at test result, the doctor opened his mouth and said, 
“Please go to bigger hospital. I'll write you a letter of referral right away.”
Having no knowledge of PSA score, I honestly thought…
“Is that a big deal?”

That was my first impression.

Well then!