今こそ | 相対性理論と松本山雅を愛する48♂物語



I have just how intelligent life in the universe...
But should that creature intelligence always the infinite macrocosm!
When you are touching if the organism...
Of humanity is changing?
Or invasion for his own profit?...
Is enough as mankind cannot Earth our home care...
Or there are plans to set up US military base in the long term "Moon"...
Say you draw a plan of Russia and China as well as...
I want to ask every man!
Why not accepted as human beings??
Thoughts and personality that every one is obvious.
When it comes to State and even more so is.
Respect each other, recognized and respect thing can only humans haven't!
Here in found one lone,... why respect many people!
If you intelligent life... that space see the Earth, looking at what...
Really pathetic!
From what I!
Own inner revolution is needed now!

I think so♪