海外からのお見舞いメール | 花やか☆華やかDiary 











I'm shocked!!!! Hope you and your family are OK.
My thoughts are with you and your people.

I hope you are and your family are safe
Best wishes

we just heard the news about the terrible earthquake and
tsunami in Japan. I really hope that you and your family as well as
colleagues, are all well.
Best regards

I just heard the horrible news about earthquake and tsunami, I hope
everything is fine with you and your family.
With all the best wishes,

I just heard about the earthquake in Japan and I cross my fingers that
you, your family and your colleagues are safe. From the news it

seems that this earthquake was very serious and I hope it will not

affect your life too much.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Canada.
Warmest regards,

We all just woke up with the disturbing news of high-magnitude
earthquake hit in northern Japan. I know that people in or near Tokyo
are mostly doing fine, despite the aftershock shakes.
My best wish to you, your family and everybody there!
All the best.

I hope that you and your relatives are safe. With my best wishes.

I just knew that there was an earthquick around Sendai, Japn.

Although earthquick is often in Japan, but this time the earthquake is

too serious to belive.
I am extremely sorry for the bad news and hope you and your lovely
family as well as your members are safe and health.
With best wishes,

I trust all is well? Is everything fine in Tokyo? I heard about the
earthquake last evening and was a bit worried.
I hope to see you at the meeting in Whistler?

With best wishes


We are terribly sorry to see the devastation from the earthquake. We
pray and hope that you and your family are safe and coping well.
Take care.

I just heard about the earth quake. Are you and your family OK?
Is there anything we can help with from here?
Please, let me know.
If it is easy for you and your family to evacuate to a different
place, please don’t think it twice. Take the first plane out to NY and
we will take good care of you guys. Our apartment is ready to have

you with us.
I hope all is well.
Warmest regards,

We heard of the big earthquake and immediately thought of you and
others. Hope you and your family are safe and OK.
Best wishes and let us know please if we can be of any help.

I hope you and your members are doing well despite the earthquake!
I am very sorry to hear your city got hit by one so heavily and just
read the news about it.
Unless the Narita airport will be closed I still plan on flying to
Tokyo on Monday.
With warm regards,

We are terribly sorry to see the devastation from the earthquake. We
pray and hope that you and your family are safe and coping well.
Take care.
