ウェッブ望遠鏡、新たな記録破りの銀河を発見 | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Webb Telescope Discovers Another Record-Breaking Galaxy 



by Jake Hebert, Ph.D. | Jun. 13, 2024

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have recently confirmed that two galaxies are extremely distant, with one becoming the new record holder as the most distant galaxy from Earth.1,2 The new record-holding galaxy is designated as JADES-GS-z14-0 and is shown in the inset in the above image. By uniformitarian reckoning, this galaxy existed just 290 million years after the supposed Big Bang, yet it looks too mature for its age. The previous record holder was galaxy JADES-GS-z13-0, with a presumed age of just 320 million years after the Big Bang.2



This new record-breaker is just the latest example of the “distant mature galaxy problem” that has long plagued the Big Bang model.3 Because many distant galaxies are billions of light-years away from Earth, evolutionary astronomers assume that light from those galaxies took billions of years to reach us. While this may seem reasonable, creationists think this assumption is open to challenge and have proposed a number of ways that God could have caused distant starlight to reach Earth quickly.4



Because Big Bang proponents think the most distant galaxies emitted their light more than 13 billion years ago, they think we are seeing these galaxies, not as they are today, but as they were shortly after the Big Bang. Because naturalistic star and galaxy formation scenarios require hundreds of millions of years, they think these galaxies should appear “immature” and “unevolved.” But this Big Bang expectation has been repeatedly contradicted, with very distant galaxies often appearing mature,5,6,7 like JADES-GS-z14-0.



To make matters worse, astronomers detected oxygen in JADES-GS-z14-0.8 Big Bang astronomers believe the first generation of stars, designated as Population III stars, contained almost no elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. They think heavier elements like oxygen were present in later generations of stars. The presence of “significant” amounts of oxygen suggests that, by Big Bang reasoning, multiple generations of stars preceded the existence of JADES-GS-z14-0 as we now see it. Webb telescope astronomers were quoted as saying, “The presence of oxygen so early in the life of this galaxy is a surprise and suggests that multiple generations of very massive stars had already lived their lives before we observed the galaxy.”8

 さらに悪いことに、天文学者はJADES-GS-z14-0.8から酸素を検出しました。ビッグバンの天文学者は、種族 III 星と呼ばれる第一世代の星には水素とヘリウムより重い元素がほとんど含まれていないと考えています。彼らは、酸素のような重い元素が後の世代の星に存在したと考えているのです。「かなりの」量の酸素の存在は、ビッグバンの理論によれば、現在私たちが見ている JADES-GS-z14-0 が存在する前に、複数の世代の星が存在していたことを示唆しています。ウェッブ望遠鏡の天文学者は、「この銀河の誕生の非常に早い時期に酸素が存在したことは驚きであり、この銀河を観測する前に、複数の世代の非常に重い星がすでにその生涯を終えていたことを示唆しています」と述べています。


As recently as 2021, an official NASA Big Bang timeline claimed the first stars formed about 400 million years ago.6,9 In 2022, Nature claimed that the first stars formed 250 million years after the Big Bang.10 Yet the James Webb Telescope has found a galaxy—not a star, but a galaxy—that, by Big Bang reckoning, existed just 290 million after the Big Bang. The existence of even one generation of stars at this supposed time was a surprise to Big Bang astronomers, but by their reasoning, the presence of oxygen in JADES-GS-z14-0 implies that multiple generations of stars had already “lived” and “died” only 290 million years after the supposed Big Bang!



Professor Brant Robertson (University of California, Santa Cruz) said, “We could have detected this galaxy even if it were 10 times fainter, which means that we could see other examples yet earlier in the Universe – probably into the first 200 million years.”9 Given that galaxy distance and age records keep getting repeatedly broken, it seems quite possible, even likely, that they will observe such a galaxy in the not-too-distant future. But is this reasonable? The stress on the Big Bang model is already so strong that one physicist suggested doubling the age of the universe to resolve the tension!11

 ブラント・ロバートソン教授(カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校)は、「この銀河は10倍暗くても検出できたはずで、それは宇宙のさらに初期の、おそらく最初の2億年までの他の例を見ることができたかもしれないことを意味します」と述べています。銀河の距離と年齢の記録が何度も塗り替えられ続けていることを考えると、そう遠くない将来にそのような銀河が観測される可能性は十分にありそうです。しかし、これは合理的でしょうか? ビッグバンモデルへのストレスはすでに非常に強く、ある物理学者は緊張を解消するために宇宙の年齢を2倍にすることを提案しました!


The researchers were quoted as asking, “This starlight implies that the galaxy is several hundreds of millions of times the mass of the sun!...How can nature make such a bright, massive, and large galaxy in less than 300 million years?”1



The answer is that nature did not and cannot make or create anything at all. Rather, the Lord Jesus Christ, not a deified or personified nature, deserves the credit and glory for creating the stars and galaxies on Day 4 of the creation week, just as described in Genesis.

 答えは、自然は何も作ったり創ったりしていないし、作ることもできないということです。むしろ、創世記に記されているように、創造週の 4 日目に星や銀河を創造したことに対する称賛と栄光を受けるに値するのは、神格化された自然や人格化された自然ではなく、主イエス・キリストなのです。


