ハチドリの飛行戦略 | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Hummingbird Flight Strategies



by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Jan. 29, 2024

The fossil record shows that hummingbirds have always been hummingbirds. Such amazing mastery of aerial acrobatics could never have evolved.1,2 ICR’s Dr. Jeff Tomkins put it succinctly:

化石の記録は、ハチドリが常にハチドリであったことを示しています。これほど驚くべき空中アクロバットの達人は、決して進化したものではありません。ICRJeff Tomkins博士は、次のように簡潔に述べています:

The hummingbird is another animal that glorifies the Creator. This little creature is distinctly different from all other bird kinds. Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backward. They can literally zip around in just about every direction due to their wings’ ability to rotate in a full circle and flap up to 80 times per second.3



Thus, hummingbird flight is not only amazing, it is unique among all animals. These specialists, which include the smallest bird in the world, can navigate efficiently with their long, saber-like wings. In fact, “the fast turns of hummingbirds have inspired a massive motion-tracking study of the birds’ flight maneuvers,” stated science writer Susan Milius of Science News.4 She went on to report,

 このように、ハチドリの飛行は驚くべきものであるだけでなく、あらゆる動物の中でもユニークなものです。世界最小の鳥を含むこれらのスペシャリストは、サーベルのような長い翼で効率よく移動することができるのです。実際、「ハチドリの高速旋回に触発され、鳥の飛行操作に関する大規模なモーショントラッキング研究が行われています。」と、サイエンス・ニュースのサイエンス・ライター、Susan Miliusは述べています。彼女は続けて次のように報告しています:

Bigger hummingbird species don’t seem handicapped by their size when it comes to agility. A battleship may not be as maneuverable as a kayak, but in a study of 25 species, larger hummingbirds outdid smaller species at revving or braking while turning. Measurements revealed these species have more muscle capacity and their wings tended to be proportionately larger for their body size than smaller species. Those boosts could help explain how these species could be so agile despite their size, researchers report...4



Additional investigations have recently revealed that an Anna’s hummingbird is able to navigate effortlessly and swiftly through an intricate maze of complex environments with bilaterally asymmetric wing motions. Marc Badger and other scientists writing in the Journal of Experimental Biology described how this is accomplished:

 最近、アンナハチドリが複雑な迷路のような環境を、左右非対称の翼の動きで難なく素早く移動できることが、追加調査によって明らかになりました。Marc Badgerをはじめとする科学者たちは、『Journal of Experimental Biology』誌に、この仕組みを次のように説明しています:

Many birds routinely fly fast through dense vegetation characterized by variably sized structures and voids. Successfully negotiating these cluttered environments requires maneuvering through narrow constrictions between obstacles. We show that Anna’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna) can negotiate apertures less than one wingspan in diameter using a novel sideways maneuver that incorporates continuous, bilaterally asymmetric wing motions. Crucially, this maneuver allows hummingbirds to continue flapping as they negotiate the constriction. Even smaller openings are negotiated via a faster ballistic trajectory characterized by tucked and thus non-flapping wings...5

 「多くの鳥は、大小さまざまな構造物や空洞がある密生した植生の中を日常的に高速で飛行しています。このような雑然とした環境をうまく通り抜けるには、障害物と障害物の間の狭い狭窄部をうまく操縦する必要があります。我々は、アンナハチドリ(Calypte anna)が、連続的な両側非対称の翼運動を組み込んだ新しい横向き操作を用いて、翼幅よりも小さな開口部を通過できることを示します。重要なのは、この操作によってハチドリは狭窄部を通過しながら羽ばたき続けることができるということです。さらに小さな開口部では、翅をたたむことで羽ばたきを抑制し、より速い弾道で通過するのです。」


Blind evolutionary forces like random mutations could never perfect the hummer’s fast ballistic trajectory, obstacle avoidance, and novel sideways maneuvers we observe today. Instead, we clearly see evidence of purpose, plan, and special creation in these highly specialized creatures.



What can scientists learn from observing the detailed and precise aerobatics of hummingbirds? Five insightful researchers pointed to engineering applications when they stated that “These strategies for aperture transit and associated flight trajectories can inform designs and algorithms for small aerial vehicles flying within cluttered environments.”5



Yes, scientists actually learn from what our Creator, the Lord Jesus, designed just thousands of years ago. We should always be ready to give glory to the Creator and not to the creation, as Paul stated in the book of Romans.6



