美しいファルセットを散りばめた柔らかな歌声!アジア育ちのオランダ人SSW【Kim Janssen | moreブログ


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Sufjan Stevens や Sun Kil Moon に影響を受け、長年フォーク・ミュージックとクラシック・ミュージックを組み合わせた静謐な音楽を作りながら、オランダのアコースティック・バンド The Black Atlantic にも在籍する Kim Janssen。


Kim Janssen



オランダに生まれ、幼少期から10代のなかばまでをタイ、カンボジア、ネパールで過ごしたという彼が、ネパールのカトマンズの英国寄宿学校で過ごした生活とその記憶にインスパイアされたコンセプト・アルバム『Ancient Crime』(2012)と、その続編であるEP『The Lonely Mountains』(2013)につづく、待望の3rdアルバム『Cousins』で日本デビュー!


ゲスト・ヴォーカルに Kanye West,、Sufjan Stevens、the National などの作品やライヴに参加するSSW/ヴィオラ奏者の Marla Hansen、ホーン・アレンジでは Mum や Sigur Ros の作品やライヴに参加するアイスランド人トランペッター、エイリクル・オッリが参加。


アコースティック・ギターからエレクトリック・ギターに持ち替え、Phoenix にインスパイアされたというシンセ・サウンドと、ストリングスやホーン・セクションの煌びやかなアレンジ、そして Kim Janssen の美しいファルセットを散りばめた柔らかなヴォーカルが聴くものを優しく包み込む!


Dynasty, by Snowstar Records
Dynasty by Snowstar Records, released 20 March 2017 Lyrics: I wake from a dream, the room has grown dark I hear voices and the snapping of fireworks The doorway is lit up and surrounded by blackwood trees And the midnight parade, swims around me The rivers swarm with lights and there are bonfires in the streets Shots ring in the night and the dynasty rains down through the sky, in a golden-white, shimmery haze And the earthquake man stirs and slowly wakes The bright colors shoot through my blood I can barely speak or walk The coral and steel and the mud The palace lights move through my blood But mark the roads and silver trees For they will shift in the night while you sleep And the mountains will grow, even the lakes slowly will begin to change And rivers can vanish without a trace Old pines wander about in the night Old signs quietly change over time Old pines wander about in the night Old signs are quietly changing all the time The coral trees and the mud The humid nights
Gouldians, by Kim Janssen
Gouldians by Kim Janssen, released 27 January 2017 Lyrics: There are feathers red and gold, raining on the lawn and suddenly I miss everyone They're carrying the Nazarene and it's snowing in the Middle East I see the white palm trees in my sleep I need a jewel fish or a wolf, a Jack Dempsey to confide in because the ice around me is growing thin All the greatest say that you will have to let everyone slide if you want to find that needle's eye And they're moving overhead, with little golden wings and feathers bright like fire In the waning light all I'd hid in the ground there, rises to the sky I put on a shirt and a tie, sometimes when I feel alone and go to strangers' funerals All the greatest say that you will have to suffer everyone's wrath if you want to walk that narrow path And they're moving overhead, with little golden wings and feathers bright like fire In the waning light all I'd hid in the ground there, rises to the sky





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