朝からと、夢の国 | 今日も猫のように旅する




I had rehearsal really early morning for me today.
It was very good rehearsal, and I and members of Nuco Laboratory are gonna make a recording of our original songs a couple days later.

Actually, I had a terrible trouble at my apartment last night, so I went to bed so late.
I was really sleepy and tired, but I had to do my best.
I went to a bakery close from today's studio.
I bought a small bread which has custard cream for breakfast. It was really delicious, and it had a lot of custard cream!
I wanna eat again.

After the rehearsal, I went to Maihama.
Do you know what does Maihama have?

Yeeess, Disney Resort!

I went to Disney Sea.
I forgot my visiting there last time. Maybe....6 or 7years ago.
I had really good time tonight.






The night time view was very beautiful in Disney Sea.

I was able to see a big show.



That was fantastic!

Next time, I wanna go to see BBB and I wanna go to souvenir shops.


In total, I walked 20000 steps above.
OMG! lol