英語の聖書 | ホントの健康・・特に女性向け Truly Healthy Life

ホントの健康・・特に女性向け Truly Healthy Life

☆ You Can Cure Yourself ☆











(ヨハネの福音書 1.1-5)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and darkness comprehended it not. (John 1.1-5 Kings James Version)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the

Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made

that has been made.

In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (New International Version)

本日より、新約聖書の日本語版とKings James Versionを最初から少しづつ掲載していきます。

英語学習をされる方のために、現代英語のNew International Versionも入れます。


Kings James Version の新約聖書を声を出して読むと真の幸福を得る、どんな慢性病でも、心のウツでも治り、心と体が真の幸福になる、という研究発表です。)


It is now concluded that reading Kings James Version aloud with

correct understanding of each line might create some kind of great power

from God. New International Version would be a great help to

understand each line well.

Would this happen to everybody? I think so as long as the person has

faith. Firstly faith is required. Strong faith in God naturally leads a

person into a healthy good life in which a great deal of good deeds are

accumulated. A person who has faith in God therefore naturally has

pure state of mind. Pure state of mind is necessary to receive power

from Bible as is always the case with mental power.

Which part in Bible should be read to receive power? Some specific

line or should it be the whole lines of Bible? I think either way it would

work. Of course reading the whole parts of Bible both Old Testament and

New Testament would be the best but it will take long time to do so.

Therefore, each chapter in New Testament would be good as it is

rather short and it has essence of the message from God.

Like mantra in shingon-syu, should some kind of posture of fingers

accompany when a person read the Bible aloud? Possibly. Or it might be

not finger but some other part of our body. Or there might be other

thing(s) that should be accompanied as well to receive the full power.

When a person receives the full power from Bible, this person becomes

God and I believe this is going to happen to many people very soon because now is the Time of Last Judgment. Again, to receive the full power, a person firstly needs to have the pure state of mind as a result of faith and accumulated good deeds. Depending on the degree of pureness of each mind, people receive power from Bible. As for me I received very little so far. I believe as my mind goes purer I receive more. I do not think it is necessary to be a Christian to receive power from Bible. As a matter of fact, I recognized what is said in New Testament is the same as what is

said in Buddhism in essence. When I say Buddhism I mean Mahayana

(greater vehicle) Buddhism. In my understanding Buddhism is focused

on individual realization to become perfect existence while Bible is

focused on realization on the level of the whole human kind to become

one God. All parts (each individual) make a whole (one God). I am

confident that Bible is a true story and the prophecy is the human beings

will transform into God and the Day is approaching.


HOLY BIBLE (King James Version)

New Testament (New International Version)

GOOD NEWS BIBLE (Today’s English Version)

HOLY BIBLE (Easy-to-Read Version)

“Studies in the Syntax of the King James Version”

by James Moses Grainger; General Books

“The Mother tongue” by Bill Bryson; Penguin Books

「欽定訳聖書の文学的系譜」チャールズ C.バタワーズ著 中央書院

「英語の聖書」寺沢芳雄他著 冨山房

「英語の聖書」市河三喜著 研究者

「聖書の英語」橋本功著 英潮社

「英語学入門」安藤貞夫・澤田直治美著 開拓社

「天界と地獄」エマニュエル・スエデンボルグ著 静止社

「日月神示」 公開ウェブサイト
