A seminar by Dr Imamoto will be held in Lexington, KY, U.S.

If you are near by, please go and listen to his story ! It's a great oppotunity.


Animals in Fukushima Nuclear Evacuation Zone

February 14th (Tue) 6pm to 8pm

Lexington Public Library (Central Main Library)
140 East Main Street, Lexington, KY 40507

Presented by the Hachiko Coalition

On March 2011, three disasters hit Fukushima: the eastern Japan great earthquake, tsunami, and the disaster at the nuclear plant.

Ten months have passed and the disaster still continues. Before the 3.11.11 tragedy, there were more than20,000 dogs and cats, 3,500 cows, 35,000 pigs and 440,000 chickens within 20km from the nuclear plant.

Now most have already succumbed to starvation. However, we estimate about 1,000 cows, more than 1,000 cats and dogs are still waiting to be rescued.

The goal of this exhibition is to promote awareness of the disaster and send messages to the local farmers in Fukushima.

All pictures and video in the talk were taken in the exclusion zone by Dr Imamoto (the photo on this flyer is taken by Mr Hiroshi Hoshi while he was in the exclusion zone to rescue animals).

The number of seat is limited to 100.

Please send email to ruriko.yoshida@hachiko-coalition.org to reserve a seat.

Refreshment will be served at 5:30pm.

If you would like to know more about Dr Imamoto, please go this page of Hachiko Coalition.


Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ




チラシ http://polytopes.net/imamoto.pdf


日時 2月14日(火) 18:00~20:00

会場 Lexington Public Library (Central Main Library)
140 East Main Street, Lexington, KY 40507

主催 ハチ公連盟


予約はこちらのアドレスにメールで ruriko.yoshida@hachiko-coalition.org