I deeply apologize for my terrible mistake about the article on CNN site.


This is an "iReport" of CNN. The article was posted by "Hachiko Coalition", has not been reported by CNN. I did not know and I should have checked properly at first. I will be very carefull from now on.

This is from CNN site.

"The stories here are not edited fact-checked or screened before they post. CNN's producers will check out some of the most compelling, important and urgent iReports and, once they're cleared for CNN, make them a part of CNN's news coverage. (Look for the red "CNN iReport" stamp to see which stories have been vetted for CNN.)"

This is from "Hachiko Coalition".

PLEASE click on the "This Belongs on CNN" function at the bottom of the story, so CNN will have to report on this because the public demands it. Please, take the time to help us. Thank you.








サイトの記事の下にある、「This belongs on CNN」という緑のボタンを押すと「CNNで報道すべき」という声が届けられるようです。
