※I deeply apologize for my terrible mistake.

This is an "iReport" of CNN. The article was posted by "Hachiko Coalition", has not been reported by CNN. I did not know and I should have checked properly at first.

I will be very carefull from now on.

This is from CNN site.

"The stories here are not edited fact-checked or screened before they post. CNN's producers will check out some of the most compelling, important and urgent iReports and, once they're cleared for CNN, make them a part of CNN's news coverage. (Look for the red "CNN iReport" stamp to see which stories have been vetted for CNN.)"

I really hope that many people will see this article, and will be on CNN. So please click on the "This Belongs on CNN" function at the bottom of the story on the site, thank you.

Momoko-Hime's Blog 動物救援隊 外交官 ももこひめ

The situation of the animals left inside the Fukushima exclusion zone was reported in CNN ! (25 Nov) The story was told by Hoshi Family, who has been actively feeding and rescuing animals in the area.


This is the Part 1 of the article.


The Fukushima Animal Holocaust Part 1

iReport — The Hoshi Family has been actively feeding and rescuing animals left inside the Fukushima 20km No Go Zone, Japan.

They are featured in the National Geographic December 2011 Issue under caption the "The Dogcatchers" part of the coverage of Japan's Nuclear Zone Refugees.

Per Hoshi Family, "The earthquake in the eastern part of Japan was one of the worst disasters in 1,200 years--many pets and livestock became victims.

There is an area where no one can enter to help, that is, Futaba gun in Fukushima prefecture where the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plants are located. Although TEPCO has employees and personnel on site that would be able to assist with the rescue of any animals found or located in this area, TEPCO feels that it has no obligation to help any animal found in this area.

Information concerning the animals left behind in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone has been carefully controlled by the Government of Japan. Announcements of "rescue" efforts are published but the results of these rescue efforts are not released. Information about the condition of the animals is not easily obtained from the Government of Japan. Most information about the area and the condition of the animals has been provided by those individuals that continue to feed and rescue the Fukushima "left behind" animals. People like the Hoshi Family.

Residents in the town were forced to leave by buses taking whatever they could carry. They were told to leave their pets behind with enough food and water for a few days by the Government officials managing the evacuation. ※1

The officials knew, at that time, that the evacuated people would not be allowed to return to this area once they were evacuated and still would not allow people to take their pets.

Anyone that was caught with a pet on the bus was forced to abandon the pet on the side of the road, moments after the person was caught with a pet. No effort was made to ensure that the animals that were forcibly taken from their owners and put out on the side of the road would be rescued at a later time. There still is no official number of how many animals were abandoned on the side of the road after being found, riding on the bus with their owner. ※2

Volunteers, bonafide animal rescue groups and veterinarians have been turned away at the gate. The Government of Japan claims that this is due to the radiation issues, however, since they have shown that the radiation levels are significantly lowered, the rescuers are still not allowed into the area to rescue animals. Policemen and decontamination workers have been allowed into the zone but not the rescuers.

A few dogs and cats have been saved by volunteers that sneak into the areas inside the no go zone Fukushima. But, there are still many more pets that remain and are in need of rescue.

Since then the check points have been tightened so that it becomes much harder to enter the area. The risk to the rescuers have also increased. The animal rescuers face fines and imprisonment if they are caught trying to rescue any of the FUkushima "left behind" animals.

There are still thousands of dogs and cats and livestock alive, but weaker animals will starve to death or die from disease, not from exposure to radiation. The Government of Japan have tricked and forced most of the farmers to consent to have their livestock "euthanized". Farmers that do not want to have their animals "euthanized" are denied the ability to feed and care for their animals.

Farmers are emotionally blackmailed into consenting to have their livestock euthanized"; the result is the farmers knowing that the livestock that they do not want to kill are starving, finally agree. The method of euthanasia used by the Government of Japan is not an acceptable method. It is not painless nor is it quick. The livestock are injected with large amounts of muscle relaxants and endure pain and agony for a prolonged period of time. Yet, the Government of Japan continues to utilize this method".



The evacuees were told that they would be able to come back in a few days.

However, I do not think that the Japanese Government and Fukushima Prefectural Government officially told evacuees to leave their pets behind.

Some of the evacuees actually took their pets with them to the shelters.


Has not been confirmed about this story.

This is from Hachiko Coalition.

"PLEASE click on the "This Belongs on CNN" function at the bottom of the story, so CNN will have to report on this because the public demands it. Please, take the time to help us. Thank you."







サイトの記事の下にある、「This belongs on CNN」という緑のボタンを押すと「CNNで報道すべき」という声が届けられるようです。






福島動物ホロコースト(大虐殺) パート1




























