From Cosmos San's blog . コスモスさんのブログ からです

She's been trying to save animals and people in Fukushima.

Distribute handbills, go to Fukushima and see what's happening, raise donations for those who really needs help.

And let us know the wretched condition of Fukushima Prefecture animal control centre . They take care of several hundreds of cats and dogs and are still short handed and short of funds.

They can not get enough support from the government. Over 500 million yen of donation has been collected for animals. But the centre could get only 26,000,000 yen for now.

It is considered that they need hundreds of millions of money to manage the shelters for several years.

They need hands, need money, need supplies, need volunteers !!

This is a summary of her experince as a volunteer at the shelters in Fukushima.


福島県動物救護本部 は、数百頭の犬・猫を抱えて人手不足、資金不足で窮地に陥っています。国からも必要な支援が受けられません。「緊急災害時動物救援本部」には、5億円を超える義援金が集まっていますが、現在までに福島の救護本部に配分されたのは2600万円ほど。もっと必要なのに…





ネコ 足あと わんわん 足あとにゃー

Left…a big shelter for dogs, Right…a shelter for cats, and staffs' office


Momoko-Hime's Blog-shelters

The staffs are taking care of animals very carefully.

Cleaning, treatments for each ones with care.


Momoko-Hime's Blog

conditions of each ones.

Animals who have diarrhea are given foods like FRW by SPECIFIC (tin), and i/d Dry for cats by Hill's.

下痢のひどい子には、SPECIFICのFRWという缶詰や、ヒルズの猫用i/dドライをあげたりしています。Momoko-Hime's Blog

Basically, it's difficult to let them out from the cages in order to prevent infections and escapes.

So they tend to have troubles with their health because of stress.



Momoko-Hime's Blog

Though dogs can be took for a walk.

She took dogs to walk. Meanwhile, their cages are disinfected and cleaned.



Momoko-Hime's Blog

The centre is inviting volunteers but, few people come.

There are only around 4 staffs on weekdaysショック!

Please go to the shelters. Let them out from the cages!

Come to see this smile!




詳細は、救援本部 のサイトをご覧ください。


Momoko-Hime's Blog

If you are unable to go to the shelters, you can help them by donating money and supplies!


東邦銀行 県庁支店 普通預金 (店番号103) 口座番号:1418368
(Toho Bank, Kencho Branch, Ordinary Account, (Branch code 103), Account No.1418368, "Fukushimaken Doubutsu Kyugo Honbu")