













私達は日々多くのことを経験し、その状況でいろんな感情を持ちます。 でも、その感情が良いものであればいくら持っても良いと思いますが、良くない感情なら、それを増幅し、周りに拡散する事になると思います。 それは、良くない影響を他の存在に及ぼしているということだと思います。 だから、自分が持つ感情もポジティブなものでないなら、すぐに良いものに変えることが大切だと思います。
イエス樣からのメッセージは、世界を一気に変える鍵を握る人へのメッセージで、2021 年 6 月 6 日に初公開されたものです。
イエス樣が仰っていることを、素直に謙虚な姿勢で聞き、実践してください。 平和を選択することで平和になってください。愛と一つであり、愛そのものであるあなたを思い出すことで愛の中に居て、ずっと気分良く居てください。
昨日は朝からずっとケムトレイルで空が霞んでいたので、このままつまらない空で終わるのかと思っていましたが、夕方遅くにきれいな夕焼けになっていました。 今日も朝ケムトレイルあります。 私達は日頃から危険なもので取り巻かれています。





この事実を認識して下さい。 私達は、危険な世界で生きていることを認識し、その事実を知らない人に伝えて下さい。


WHOと政府に反対するデモに参加して下さい。 これからもあります。デモに参加する人を全力で増やして下さい。 私利私欲を捨て、無条件の愛で動いて下さい。




















の方へ向き従って下さい。 に従わなければ、宇宙意識に戻ることになります。





サナンダ樣は「母なる地球の変化は神聖なタイミングで起こります。 奇跡は起こる準備ができています。それを受け入れるために自分自身を開いてください。」と仰っていますので、平和な世界を望む人は、奇跡を待ちながら、こちらの瞑想に参加して下さい。


こちらの瞑想をする人を増やして下さい。 この瞑想の参加者が早く増えれば、それだけ早く平和な世界が実現します。





This The Creator Writing is a message to all of us.

God is saying, “The Universe understands that outside circumstances may make things challenging and it can be tough to discern what is yours and what is projected. It is, however, completely within your power to hold on or let go.”

We experience many things every day and have many feelings in those situations. But if the feeling is positive, I think it's okay to have it as much as you want, but if it's not positive, I think it will amplify it and spread it around. I think that means it's having an adverse effect on other beings. So, if the feelings you have are not positive, I think it's important to change them to positive ones immediately.

God is saying, “Allow yourself the opportunity to learn this skill and, what once was hard will become easier with each passing day.” So I think the more you allow yourself the opportunity to learn this skill, the more it go on increasing conditions you will feel good.

The message from the Master Jesus is for the person who holds the key to changing the world all at once, and was first published on June 6, 2021.

Listen to what Jesus is saying docilely and humble attitude and put it into practice. Be at peace by choosing peace. Stay feel good all the time by be in love by remembering you are ONE with Love and are Love ItSelf.

The sky was hazy from chemtrails all day yesterday, and I thought it would remain boring like that. But late in the evening, a beautiful sunset appeared. There are chemtrails again this morning. We are surrounded by dangerous things on a daily basis.


In this way, the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Light Forces are protecting us, disclosing us the Truth that we are in danger every day.



Be grateful to Them.


Please recognize this fact. Please recognize that we live in a dangerous world and share that fact with those who don't know.


Join the demonstrations against the WHO and the government. There will be more in the future. Please do your best to increase the number of people participating in the demonstration. Give up self-interest and move with Unconditional Love.



I got the OK to translate only the last part of this The message from the Supreme Father.




Divine timing, no one in the Cosmos lives by a clock as humans do.

The Ascension will replace the physicality with a Light body. The Matrix is a false reality, and the ones, who believe and follow the narrative of deceptions and lies, will disappear together with Darkness. Their souls will return to the Universal Consciousness, as they were given too many chances to stop following the Negative Ones and being negative themselves instead of turning towards and following the Light. The servants of Darkness they will be striped from their souls.

This Ascension process will be completed without any setbacks. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. My children, please, embrace my Supreme Love.

Soul is the Light that Burns Darkness

Supreme Father


Please turn toward and follow the Light. If you do not follow the Light, you will return to the Universal Consciousness.






Lord Sananda says, “The changes on Mother Earth arrive in Divine Timing. The miracles are ready to happen, open yourself to receive them.” So if you want a peaceful world, Please join this meditation while waiting for the miracles.  

Please increase the number of people who practice this meditation.  The sooner the number of participants in this meditation increases, the sooner a peaceful world will be realized.

























God wants us to be who we are.








Be careful of healers, channelers,

 and people running spiritual businesses.








In this way, the Light Beings in the Universe has been protecting us.虹  









Promoting a plant-only diet虹









Eliminate Christmas, New Year, Halloween, 

and all that the darkness has created!









Master Jesus came to this earth 2000 years ago 

to begin the ascension process.虹








Detoxification is recommended for those 

who have received the coronavirus vaccine.






