自分の失敗を失敗で終わらせるか、成功で終わらせるか、それはあなた次第です。 あなたは自分の失敗で今まで苦しんできたと思います。 でも、誰でも失敗しない人なんて居ないと思います。
自分を赦せない思いもあったと思います。 十分苦しんだならもう自分を赦し、その原因を創った存在も赦して下さい。 最後に成功すれば、問題ないと思います。
イエス樣は「自分が正しいなら、他の誰かが間違っているはずなので、正しくある必要性、または自分が正しいと思うことさえに、一切平和はありません。 分離以外にこれは何ですか?」



イエス樣の仰るとおりだと思います。 人はそれぞれ正しいと思う事があると思いますが、それぞれその正しさも違うと思います。 なので、自分が正しいと思う信念は、他の人を退けることになると思います。


自分が正しいと思えば思うほど、反論したくなると思います。 だから、自分が正しいと思っても、人も自分が正しいと思っているということを覚えておきながら、受け入れられるところは受け入れるという交流の仕方もあると思います。 あなたも聖靈のように、、またはへの呼びかけだけを見てください。








今日は春らしい薄い雲に覆われた空でした。 日暈も出現していました。 夕方には美しい夕焼けも見る事が出来ました。 ケムトレイルは無かったと思います。










サナンダ樣は、「母なる地球の変化は神聖なタイミングで起こります。 奇跡は起こる準備ができています。それを受け入れるために自分自身を開いてください。」と仰っていますので、平和な世界を望む人は、奇跡を待ちながら、こちらの瞑想に参加して下さい。


こちらの瞑想をする人を増やして下さい。 この瞑想の参加者が早く増えれば、それだけ早く平和な世界が実現します。
















Today's The Creator Writings is also a message to the people who holds the key to changing the world all at once.

God is saying, The Universe wants you to know that, with the current energy of the past coming up to be released, failures are not failures…just attempts at success.”

It's up to you whether you end your failure as a failure or as a success. I think you've been suffering because of your failures. However, I think there isn't anyone who doesn't fail.

I think you may also have felt unable to forgive yourself. If you have suffered enough, forgive yourself and also forgive the being who caused it. If you succeed in the end, I think that's OK.

As God says, please be done with it..

The message from the Master Jesus is also for that person and was first published on March 17, 2022.

Jesus said, “There is never any peace in the need to be right or even to THINK you are right, because if you are right, then someone else must be wrong. What is this, but separation?”

I think what Jesus said is correct. I think that each person has something that they think is right, but I also think that each person's right is different.

So, I think that the belief that you think that you are right will lead to you rejecting others. I think the more you think you're right, the more you want to argue. So, even if you think you're right, I think there's a way to interact by remembering that other people also think you're right, and accepting what's acceptable.

Like the Holy Spirit, I want you to see only Love or a call for Love. Please be guided by the Holy Spirit.

I also wrote about Mooner's message that I shared today, so please take a look.

Today the sky was covered with thin spring clouds. A solar halo also appeared. I were also able to see a beautiful sunset in the evening. I think there were no chemtrails.

Today as well, I would like to express my gratitude with all my heart and soul to Light Beings in the Universe that protects us while creating a beautiful sky in this way. 






Lord Sananda says, “The changes on Mother Earth arrive in Divine Timing. The miracles are ready to happen, open yourself to receive them.” So if you want a peaceful world, Please join this meditation while waiting for the miracles.  

Please increase the number of people who practice this meditation.  The sooner the number of participants in this meditation increases, the sooner a peaceful world will be realized.





















God wants us to be who we are.










If you are working as a healer or channeler, 

receiving money from people, 

I think you need to change your mind.








In this way, the Light Beings in the Universe has been protecting us.虹  









Promoting a plant-only diet虹









Eliminate Christmas, New Year, Halloween, 

and all that the darkness has created!









Master Jesus came to this earth 2000 years ago 

to begin the ascension process.虹








Detoxification is recommended for those 

who have received the coronavirus vaccine






