How you can be a person who others help | 平野敦士カールオフィシャルブログ「プラットフォーム戦略®経営講座★」Powered by Ameba

平野敦士カールオフィシャルブログ「プラットフォーム戦略®経営講座★」Powered by Ameba

(株)ネットストラテジー代表取締役アマゾン1位 プラットフォーム戦略他著書多数元興銀マンゆかし会員 

How you can be a person who others help ~ Platform and Alliance 1 (extract)

You try hard everyday, but your work doesn’t go well. Your sales figures are stagnant. Relationships with those around you are strained. You’re wondering whether you should change jobs. You’d like to launch collaborations with other companies or other new projects, but things just don’t go as planned. Perhaps you’re struggling with anxieties such as these.

After working at The Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ) for 13 years, these were the sort of worries that I had to face up to when, 35-years-old and hopelessly out-of-touch with information technology, I arrived at NTT DOCOMO.

But mastering one certain skill enabled me to realize the massive project of launching the credit service using Osaifu-Keitai (“mobile wallet”), which was hitherto unchartered territory. Moreover, during the four years of the venture investment over 10 companies were able to gain a listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and earn profits of over 10 billion yen including latent profit. The method that enables these formidable achievements and the subject of this book is what I call “business alliance skills.” Needless to say, this project was fruits of so many people at DoCoMo, Sony, credit card companies and merchants.

I subsequently accepted several positions as Professor at Business Breakthrough University (President is world-famous Keichi Ohmae), Visiting Lecturer at Waseda Graduate School (MBA), an external director or advisor to various companies. I also lecture at Harvard Business School, Okinawa Graduate School, and am involved in a wide range of activities including giving speeches and consulting.

But as I’ve just stated, when I started out at DOCOMO I had virtually no knowledge about information technology, let alone mobile phones. Needless to say, I brushed up my basic knowledge upon joining DOCOMO, but I can assure you that when I entered the company I was a complete and utter novice. Since I managed to create the Osaifu-Keitai credit service, perhaps you imagine that I happened to excel at coming up with ideas.

No, neither was that the case. In fact, imagining how nice it would be to be able to pay for everything with just one mobile phone is the sort of idea that anybody could have come up with.

So how come it was me that turned this idea into a reality?

I think that in the final analysis it was because I involved lots of other people in the idea and got them to help me.

It is the same thoughts that have helped me throughout my entire career. The core philosophy that flows through the business alliance skills that I want to explain in this book is: if you don’t know, become the sort of person who those that do know will help.

However, I don’t believe that those around you will rally to your rescue if you just sit there creating a fuss about what you’re going to do. Becoming the sort of person that others will help requires a degree of know-how and a shift in your thinking; it’s not just a simple question of networking or improving your character. There’s no need to slavishly network, no need to work flat out on your self-development. All you will have to do is change the way that you think, and carry out the methods I will tell you about in this book.

If you actually listen to the story of those who have achieved success, you will often find that these people, far from being fountains of ideas, are in fact quite ordinary. But without exception, one of the major factors behind their success is always that they gained the help of others.

Until now, perhaps you have feverishly sought to sharpen skills that you don’t possess because you want to be a capable worker, to realize your ambitions, or be successful. But I’d like you to try to discard all these thoughts while you read this book.

All you have to do is become the sort of person who others help. If you can do so, somebody who wants to help you will solve all the problems that you cannot. Then you’ll suddenly realize that all your ambitions have been fulfilled. Wouldn’t that be marvelous? But that’s exactly what happened to me, so it ought to possible for anybody. Now read on, and let me tell you about this method in detail.

Platform and Alliance thinking for your success.../作者不明
