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平野敦士カールオフィシャルブログ「プラットフォーム戦略®経営講座★」Powered by Ameba

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戦略コンサルティング会社Market Platform Dynamics(MPD)のご紹介をします







MPDの詳細な説明はHPをご覧いただけばと思いますが ソフトウェアやプラットフォームができることによって

多くのプレーヤーが新しい付加価値をつけていくという マルチサイドプラットフォーム理論 など






Catalyst Code や Invisible Engine といった米国ビジネス書のベストセラーもMPDにより書かれて

HBSPress MITPressより発刊されていますのでご一読くだされば幸甚です


Market Platform Dynamics (MPD) is a management consulting firm that enables businesses to profit from industry disruption and positions them for long-term growth.

We help clients effectively navigate shifts in competitive landscape, changes to industry economics, and opportunities created by new technologies. MPD specializes in the development and execution of go-to-market strategies and the design of profit-generating business models for catalyst businesses worldwide.

We understand what makes catalyst businesses tick. Catalysts, a type of business first characterized by MPD founders, David Evans and Richard Schmalensee, are businesses that generate profits by getting different groups of customers who need each other on board a platform and enabling them to interact. Our work over the years with catalyst businesses has given us deep insight into their role in stimulating innovation, igniting new markets and driving revenue.

We’re global thinkers. What’s happening in London, Tokyo and Beijing matters to businesses contemplating catalyst strategies. MPD has experience helping catalysts in multiple international markets, and recognizes that important innovations and business models can frequently achieve great success beyond their country of origin. MPD works with global leaders to profitably adapt catalyst models to their own region or to introduce their models to new markets.

We help find hidden sources of value. MPD clients pursuing catalyst strategies often seek advice on complex pricing, bundling and business model decisions in an effort to unlock the hidden profits inherent in catalyst businesses. They are also often presented with questions about growth and expansion related to new product, customer, or market segments. Many may also need to restructure their business models to meet competitive threats or capitalize on changes in the marketplace.

Catalysts owe their profits to a business model that makes it efficient for them to stimulate this reaction. But they must also carefully consider pricing and product design strategies. MPD helps its clients launch profitable customer, channel and market strategies that mitigate the risks associated with making these decisions.

Our recommendations are timely. Catalytic reactions can lead to follow-on catalyst opportunities. MPD recognizes that catalytic strategies evolve and adapt to changing ecosystems and new technologies. We work with our clients to make sure their strategies are on the leading edge of catalytic thinking rather than reactions to unanticipated external events.

In addition to our work with clients, we publish regularly on this topic. For more, visit Our Ideas .