get vehicles from archeage online | mmohotのブログ



archeage Vehicles can be crafted and they come in a ton of flavors, from farm vehicles that let you water your crops, to cars that you can drive around and can carry packs in. They are a great mount replacement.


Let's see, starting from lowest to highest number of packs carried ...

Donkey: One pack. This is your starting "vehicle" as far as trade packs go

Race Car: Two packs. Very expensive, very fast, all show. Takes a severe movement penalty for each pack

Farm Cart: Three packs (2 in wagon + 1 carried). Relatively inexpensive, easy enough to earn

Farm Wagon: Five packs (4 in wagon + 1 carried). Impossible to acquire just yet, requires materials from Auroria.

Farm Wagon (upgraded): Seven packs (6 in wagon + 1 carried). See above

You also have four ships ...

Row Boat: One pack. You get this for free

Cutter: One pack. Easy enough to obtain, room for friends if you have any (I don't Q_Q ... moving on)

Galleon: Three packs (2 in hold + 1 carried). Hard to obtain, very rewarding if you have friends to run the cannons }: )

Trade Ship: 21 packs I believe (I forget if it's 20 or 25 packs in the hold). Hard to obtain, definitely want to have a group with you as you're a prime target for pirates. Steer clear of Galleons. And Cutters. And Row Boats. You know, just steer clear of everything with one of these need use archeage gold to buy vehicles 

Types of Vehicles

Click on the name of the vehicle for details.

Name Speed Features
Farm Cart 4.0m/s
  • Can carry 2 trade packs
  • Obtained from any General Merchant for 50g
  • Constructed under Carpentry
Farm Wagon -
Farm Hauler 7.5m/s
  • Can carry 6 trade packs
  • Obtain Wagon Upgrade Ticket from the Marketplace for 3500 credits
  • Constructed under Carpentry
Farm Freighter -
  • Can carry 8 trade packs
  • Obtain Farm Freighter Upgrade Ticket from the Marketplace for 3500 credits
  • Constructed under Carpentry
Wheeled Mortar -


Race Cars -