you need create your family in archeage online | mmohotのブログ



archeage online is a hardcore sandbox mmorpg,you can always get ganked,you need find more friends to play with you,you can pve to farm archeage gold with your team mate,you can also go to pvp with your friends,so group more and more friends to play is a good idea.

if you are looking for a reliable archeage gold seller in the game, you dont choose the spammer in game,you can go to mmocake.

Always look for illegal farms, Illegal farms are placed by people who can’t afford or don’t have enough room in their own farm these are usually placed on the outer-rim of each zone using in hidden cracks and hillsides, You can sometimes get a good amount of resources or profit finding these at the right time. Bare in mind stealing from farms gives you crime points which could land you in jail for a period of time. YES there is a real court which player juries and Yes there is a jail.

I'm rather confused on the references of hidden and illegal farms. Is there a difference or is this just two ways to say the same thing? Also, do you always accrue crime points when taking resources from these open area farms? It seems counterproductive to steal from open area farms if you always accrue crime points and will end up in jail rather quickly.

Families are a thing in Archeage now i don’t mean Brothers, Sisters, Daughters or sons but more like your group of friends in the real world you share things with them. The concept of sharing can be used in Archeage if you own a plot of land and one of your friends needs to plant some carrots if you set them to your “Family” they can use your land.

Experience the world that is Archeage no loading screens cross continent, Find a friend with a boat and travel across the open sea (Watch out for jellyfish) Or climb a big mountain and glide all the way down (They only last 3 minutes per use) Archeage is a beautiful game go experience it!

PVP Sidenote
Killing your own faction can happen this isnt your normal MMO each continent zones will go into war status at random times or will always be at war, These are shown by the red zones on the map. If you’re in one of these zone be aware that other players can kill you including enemy faction and you can kill other players by going into (Ctrl+F) which turns on the mode to kill your own faction. This is technically Murder you will gain crime points and be sent to jail if you accumulate 50 crime points.