you gain more Labour points while you’re in game | mmohotのブログ



archeage online already released in china and korea,it has not yet come into western country,so it is closed beta test now.when you get into this test,you will get many problems,thoese are some tips you can learn from me.i already played archeage online for 1 months.

this is a blog post about something you need know before playing archeage online,it will helps you a lot.

if you need make a lot of archeage gold in archeage online,you need learn a lot.i will provide you the best farming guide.

1. Dont worry about not having a glider to start with, You will get a quest at level 10-12 which gives you your first glider. Its completely free and isn’t even a hard quest.

2. If you’re going AFK to eat dinner don’t log-out you gain more Labour points while you’re in the game, These labour points are used for pretty much everything you do in the game which isn’t quests and PvP. You will need as many as you can for this CBT. Always AFK in a safe place.

3. If you see an Iron ore, Plants or a random tree which is ready to be chopped down DO IT Boats, Houses, Farms and Gliders all need supplies which cost a good amount of gold. Unlike other MMO’s “I’ll go back and do it later” isn’t the right attitude with Archeage you should take the time to Harvest whatever the circumstances.

4. Overachieve. Some quests can be overachieved this means doing more than the quests asks of you “Kill 10 Boars” If you kill 15 you’ll overachieve the quest which gives you more XP which is worth it in the long run, Just test if you can overachieve by doing the action an extra time.