






 最近、ある医院に転院し「統合失調症」との診断・告知を受け、risperidone の投与を受け始める。症例(以下、U君とする)は長年の激しい倦怠感から解放されたが、新規の抗精神病薬による「悲しい絶滅的な現実の認識」が起こり、自ら命を絶った。U君の周囲には「統合失調症への古い偏見」が強く存在していた。



















 うつ病性障害に特有の、朝の起床困難、午前中に強い倦怠感が存在しないため、抗うつ薬に上乗せする方法で haloperidol 1.5mg/day、trihexyphenidyl  2mg/day を試験投与したが、倦怠感が強くなるのみで1週間で投与中止とする。


次に、同じく抗うつ薬に上乗せする方法で bromperidol 3mg/day、trihexyphenidyl 2mg/day を試験投与したが、これも倦怠感を強くするのみで1週間で投与中止とする。


また、これも抗うつ薬に上乗せする方法で sulpiride 400mg/day、trihexyphenidyl 2mg/day を試験投与したが、倦怠感が強くなるのみであり、1週間で投与中止とする。












『最近、ある医院に転院しました。そこで「統合失調症」と診断を受け、risperidone  1日3mg の服用を始めました。すると長年の強い倦怠感が消失しました。自分の5年間の激しい倦怠感は「うつ病」ではなく「統合失調症」だったんです。』という内容だった。

































                                                                      Uより  』 





 risperidone の副作用として5%未満の頻度で自殺企図があることが認められている。U君の場合も、この副作用が関与していることは否定できない。


 risperidone を1日3mg 服薬すると健康な人と同じように働くことが可能になっていた故に惜しまれることであった。




What can I do to Help you?

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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Am 18. März 2023, 03:34, toshichan-man schrieb:


I forgot to write something important.



It was a suicide 20 years ago. It was shortly after I returned to my hometown and started working at a psychiatric hospital.

He would often call me on his cell phone and we would have long conversations for about 30 minutes. I think I was listening but trying to do something else.

I wrote the paper and submitted it, so it is still there. It was not published (or accepted), but I still have a number of drafts. At the time, I had no idea of the cause of his illness.

It is only now that I realize that it was a cell phone.

I would appreciate your help.




A case of a smartphone demon causing "depressive disorder" and suicide*.




First of all

 The patient had been hospitalized for 11 years under the diagnosis of "depressive disorder" at various hospitals, including a university hospital, but there was no tendency for the symptoms to become milder. He was repeatedly recommended electroshock therapy, but did not take it.


Case 2

 The youngest of four children. His mother passed away when he was in elementary school. Since then, he has grown up with his father and four siblings.

 U had been helping his father and three older brothers run a restaurant in Nakasu, a downtown area of Fukuoka City, and he sometimes went to the restaurant to help out, but when he did so, he often felt dizzy, tired, and had to lie down.

 U had practiced kendo since he was a child, and continued to do so in junior high and high school. However, around the end of his first year of high school, he became aware of a strong sense of fatigue. He also began having difficulty getting up in the morning. After visiting various medical institutions, he was eventually diagnosed with "a condition similar to chronic fatigue syndrome" or "depressive disorder. He was then given antidepressants (tricyclics). While taking the antidepressant, his fatigue decreased. However, due to the side effects of the antidepressants, he often dozed off in class, and even the strong-willed U could not overcome the drowsiness. Therefore, he stopped taking the antidepressant medication. He visited a number of medical institutions again. U often missed kendo practice, and despite high expectations, his kendo ability did not improve during his high school years. He was offered special kendo scholarships from several universities, but he was too tired to keep up with the rigorous training at the universities, so he turned down all of the offers.

 At the time of the author's initial consultation, the patient complained only of fatigue, and no depression, loss of motivation, low self-esteem, or sleep disorder were present. He was also taking antidepressants (tricyclics) and driving a car to work, which caused him to have numerous accidents due to falling asleep, and he was struggling with debt.

'I have such a tightness from the knees down,' he said. I think this is why my body is so lazy.' U-kun insisted, his lower leg was indeed abnormally tight.

 Under the diagnosis of "chronic fatigue syndrome (suspected)" and "depression (suspected)" (I told U-kun that he had "chronic fatigue syndrome" and "depression"), acupuncture treatment was performed every time he came to the clinic, mainly on his lower legs, and medication, mainly antidepressants, was also administered in parallel. However, the patient's condition continued to progress and regress.

 Just before the author returned to his hometown, he said, "I heard that depression can be cured if the cause of the depression is known. In the third semester of my first year of high school, I had a dispute with a friend, and both my friend and myself were hurt. It was my friend's fault and my fault. Looking back on it now, it was a clash of youthful senses of justice. We were friends in the same kendo club. That seems to me to be the cause of my illness." He began to insist.

 After I moved to a hospital in my hometown, he continued to call me frequently, and we talked for nearly an hour while I was on duty.

 On the night of April 22, U-kun called me at the hospital where I was on duty.

U-kun's usual energetic voice had become subdued. His usual long phone call was very short at that time.

 On May 6, U-kun committed suicide by throwing himself from the 10th floor of a building.




Dear Dr. Toshichan-man

 I would like to thank Dr. Toshichan-man for taking care of me for 6 years. Those days were hard because I was very tired, but I enjoyed every day. There was hope.

 Thank you for waking me up every morning by phone, and thank you toshichan-man-sensei for waking me up every morning by calling me on my cell phone while I was suffering from depression. But there were many people who called me to wake up Dr. toshichan-man.

 Thank you very much for waking me up by calling me, even though my depression was heavier and more painful than toshichan-man-sensei's at that time. I was in pain then, but it was fun. But now I am not suffering, but I am not having fun either.

 And I am sorry for the trouble I caused for wanting Ritalin back then. But when I was taking Ritalin, I was free from the usual fatigue. I was able to work like a normal person, though only while I was taking Ritalin.

 What is it to live? I choose death. I can't live in the shadows with people pointing back at me. toshichan-man-sensei may call it "naive thinking," but I can't. I can't live in the shadows with people pointing back at me. I follow the sweet temptation of the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper is pulling me. The Grim Reaper makes my heart burst with melancholy. It is extremely painful.

 But now I can see my dead mother. I think she left us and is lonely and alone. I will be able to show my filial piety to her in heaven.

 I have to write letters to other people who have taken care of me, so I will leave you now. Thank you very much for your kindness.

                            From U 




 U-kun had a "depressive disorder" while the author was in Fukuoka. I told him that U-kun was still a good person and that he was still a happy person.

 At one time, he had a mild case of Ritalin addiction. There was a time when he persistently complained that it was very difficult for him to do his work without Ritalin.

 It is thought that U-kun's mental condition deteriorated rapidly after the author left Fukuoka because he stopped receiving acupuncture treatment on his lower legs and started taking medication only. There was no delusion. However, maybe he just didn't tell me anything that sounded like it.

 I can think of this as one sad example of being killed by the smart phone demon.


 The author was convinced that he was looking for a new job and working diligently, because he had always been very serious.

 This is one sad example of being killed by the smartphone devil. I am convinced that the smartphone devil must be banned.



-------- Dedicated to the now deceased U-kun, who was always cheerful and popular: ------