残酷な結末:パトリック・チャンに厳しいカナダのメディア(下) | 覚え書きあれこれ



Hanyu is usually a tall, cool glass of water. The pressure had clearly got to him, too. He received a free skate mark of 178.64, for an overall  score of 280.09.

He’d come into the long with a 3.93 bulge on Chan after his record-setting short skate.

Even at that, to surpass Hanyu, Chan didn’t need to skate lights-out, merely with typical Chan-ian form, pulling down marks that are customary  for him.

Off the top of his Vivaldi Four Seasons program, he looked capable of jumping over the moon cleanly. An opening quad-toe-triple-toe combination was gorgeous. There was a slight hand-down on his follow up stand-alone quad but that meant hardly anything.


Where the performance went seriously awry was — yet again — on the triple Axel: over-rotated, a serious error.

Chan appeared to fight through the rest of the program, doubled down a Salchow in a triple-jump combination, was off-kilter on a spin and then stumbled out of a double Axel. That was fatal.

“Little mistakes here and there,” said Chan, except they weren’t so little. “Some of the best athletes still make mistakes, and it happened to me here today.”


Canada has always had superb male skaters. But every four years, often with world championships in their back pocket, they’re snake-bit at the Games, either failing to hit the mark or doomed by lousy timing injury.


Eight Olympic medals for our figure skaters over the decades — four silver and four bronze, second only in quantity to the U.S. (15) — but chronically gold-less.


Sochi had beckoned as different from all the Games that came before. Chan was that masterful, rarely displaying any twitch of nerves. He thrived on the edginess of the sport, inhaling self-confidence like oxygen, commandingly pointing himself towards Sochi.

Then, in the past year, Chan bumped into Hanyu.


The teenager won the Grand Prix final in December, paramount in the both  the short and the long and smashing Chan’s short program world record. The tectonic plates seemed to be shifting.


On Friday, it didn’t sound like there will be a third Olympics in Patrick Chan’s future. He hasn’t even decided whether to defend his title at worlds next month in Saitama, Japan, where doubtless Hanyu will  be feted as the hero he already is.


Chan put a brave face on it. But only when pushed, did he make the genuine admission:


“I think I’ll be crushed when I go home.”
