The special rice shop "Mizuho no Kuni"in Konan | ちゃんとしたお米を食べたい人の専門店 みずほの国 おいしいお米にめっぽう詳しいお米屋さん

ちゃんとしたお米を食べたい人の専門店 みずほの国 おいしいお米にめっぽう詳しいお米屋さん



Hello everyone!
I'm Sato-Rice Meister.

Let me introduce my rice shop.

I'm particular about 3 points of rice.

No1 "freshness "
It is most important for rice.
We usually eat white rice called  "Hakumai ".
It is made by polishing brown rice Called  "Genmai".
But from the moment it's polished,the rice loses the freshness.
Because Oxidation starts.

So We only have brown rice at my shop, and when the customers buy it,it's polished and made white rice.
"Freshly polished rice is best."


No 2
"Consciousness to safety"

We have many kinds of Organic rice and Specially cultivated rice.

Recent awareness of health problems, many customers are looking for the rice of less agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizer .
We'd like to answer the request.

No 3
"Specially selected rice "
I taste every kind of rice and select only a few kinds to sell at my shop, 

I am sure you would like it!

113kogane kochinotyo konan-city Aichi