Once in a few months time. we crave for British Sunday roast- but with whole chicken instead of beef.  Sometimes we invite friends but mostly we have it only by ourselves. I was looking for the recipes for 'Sunday roast (Chicken) leftovers' as we have never be able to finish whole chicken. I do not like to re-heat meat unless it is not stewed, as most of the time meat gets really dry and nasty. 
Mostly I use chicken leftovers for fried rice, but we are sort of getting bored of it......and I found this recipe, Chicken mushroom pie from one of my favorite TV channels: 'Food channel'. It was different, and very nice. 
Ingredients (serves 2) 
Roast Chicken leftovers or 4 medium chicken thighs (stir fry for about 10 mins in a non-stick pan) 
1/2 medium onion (thinly sliced)
2 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
1 bird-eye chili (finely chopped)
4-5 large mushrooms (sliced)
Fresh or frozen thyme
1tbsp plain flour
1/2-1 pt semi-skimmed milk (we like to have fillings quite thick but if you prefer more liquidy fillings, simply put more milk but no more than 1pt)
chicken stock from roast chicken or 1/2 cube of chicken stock
1tsp wholegrain mustard
200g puff pastry

1. In a frying pan, add onion, garlic and chili then cook about 5-10 mins until golden
2. Add  mushrooms and cook for further 5 mins.
3. Add flour onto cooked vegetables and cook over low-medium heat for 3 mins. 
4. Add milk, chicken stock, cooked chicken and mustard. 
5. Cover, then cook for about 20mins until the mixture thicken.
6. Transfer fillings into pie casserole(s), leave it to cool.
7. When the fillings gets completely cold, cover the casserole(s) with puff pastry. Press edges with fingers to seal the pastry.  
8. Preheat oven to 200c. 
9. Brush milk (out of ingredients) on the pastry and bake it in a oven for 30mins until the puff rises and slightly golden.