I have never had this dessert until recently. We sometimes invite auntie R for dinner and this is one of the desserts she brought on one occasion. On the package I saw the picture of orange- and though....Orange and Chocolate....hmmm. I am not really a big fan of any fruit flavored chocolate except strawberries. One day A found this package and we tried....I can not believe why we didn't have it until that day, it was so nice. 
This is very easy and non-bake chocolate bar so it is perfect for cooking with kids.

100g Butter
15g Brown sugar 
3tbsp Cocoa powder
4tbsp Golden syrup 

230g digestive biscuits (crushed) 
150g mixed dried fruits (diced) 

220g milk chocolate

1. Put Butter, Brown sugar, Cocoa powder and Golden syrup in a medium pan and melt over low heat. Once all melted and incorporated, remove from heat. 
2. Add crushed digestive biscuits and dried fruits in a pan and mix well.
3. Transfer them onto slightly oiled 10cm x 20cm baking tray and press down well. 
4. Melt milk chocolate and pour over the tray.
5. Cover with cling film and set in a fridge for at least 1hour.
6. Cut into small pieces. (I cut into 44 pieces, as this is quite sweet and rich. )

You can use any type of dried fruits or nuts as you like.