We love weekends, don't we- being lazy in a comfy bed, watching telly and a power brunch to shake a hangover off from previous night.... This MMB (M's Mighty Burger) is one of our favorite brunch menu. 

Ingredients (for 2)

2 bagels 
2 eggs 
2 burgers
2 slices of any cheese (we love to mix Gruyere & Emmental, or whatever I can find in our cheese box!)
2 slices of bacon  
Ketchup and S&P to garnish

1 Preheat the grill to 180C
2 Slice bagels in half and toast
3 Grill one side of burgers for 7mins. Turn them over and grill for 5 more mins. Put cheese on top of burgers (still in a grill- so don't burn yourself!).
4 Put bacons in a grill as well and cook burgers & bacons for 2 more mins.     
5 On a slightly oiled pancake pan, cook eggs (both sides) to your liking, we like runny york so I cook them when I put bacons in a grill.
6 Sandwich a burger, egg and bacon then garnish with some salt & papper and ketchup.

I always use bagels as we are not big fan of buns.  If you don't like to make a mess, buns obviously make it a lot easier to eat w/o dripping everything everywhere :)!